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Y/n pov:
I laid there with Ash in the back seat until we heard the ambulance racing down the street, as I lifted my head Ash noticed that I had mascara all down my face and I had got some on his white hoodie.
"Oh Ash I'm so sorry I got mascara on yo-"
"don't worry it's okay it'll wash off"
We both sat there silently for a few seconds

I deleted this part because people wouldn't stfu, the story won't make sense now but that's y'all's fault not mine 🤷🏻‍♀️

Y/n pov:
So I guess Ash is my boyfriend now. It's nice, having someone there for you all the time and knowing that someone loves you, but we'd completely forgotten what was going on inside. We saw the paramedics holding my mom on a stretcher, bringing her to the ambulance, with Fez and Maddy close behind. "MADDY" I shouted, getting out the car. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Y/n I'm going to stay at Kat's place tonight, do you wanna come or are you going somewhere else?" She asked me. She had mascara running down her face and her hair was a mess. "I'm gonna stay at my boyfriends house tonight, I'll call you if I need you don't worry"
"Boyfriend???? You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend?" She seemed surprised.
"I'll tell you more about it soon, but I've got to go, call me later okay?" I ran back to the car and kissed Ash. Trying to show Maddy what had happened. Fez walked up to the car and got in the front. "Yo guys I'm gonna come in this car, I'm letting Maddy borrow mine hers hasn't got any gas" Me and Ash looked at each other and shrugged at Fez. "But you're driving" Ash told him, "yeah yeah I know let's just go" Fez got in the front and started driving to the house.
"Yo Ash how come you ain't in the front with me? You normally hate sitting in the back seat"
"Y/n can I tell him?"
"Of course, he needs to know anyways"
While we were at a red light, Ash told Fez to turn around. As soon as he did, Ash kissed me and put his arm around me.
"Yo that's cool bro, at least you won't have that many girls all over you now"
We all laughed.

Time skip

Y/n pov:
Me and Ash got out of the car and ran to the front door. "FEZ HURRY IM FREEZING AND ITS RAINING" Ash turned around to me "Babe why didn't you tell me?" He took off his jacket and put it around me, putting the hood up.
"Seriously Fez, come on bro we're both freezing."
"Im coming bro chill out, it's not like yo girl gonna get diseases from the rain or something"
I laughed at that, but Ash looked deadly serious, glaring at Fez. When Fez finally got to the door Ash grabbed my bag from me and took it into his room. Along with my 4 other makeup bags.
"Damn y/n that kid really has a soft spot for you bro, he ain't like that with anyone" Fez told me. That made me smile, knowing that Ash must really like me if he's not like this to anyone else.
I walked into Ash's room to give him his jacket but when I walked in he was shirtless.
"Oh god Ash I'm so sorry, um here's your coat"
He pulled a face at me.
"Come on y/n it's not that much of a big deal, you're my girlfriend, plus I sleep shirtless and we're sharing a room anyways."
I walked back in and started getting some of my things out of my bag.
"Shit, Ash I forgot my pj's"
"He came up to me and hugged me, it's fine, tonight was stressful for you, it's not your fault you forgot them, stay here, I'll go get you a hoodie and some sweats to wear."
Fez was right, he never shouted at me, he was always so nice. I plugged in my phone charger and started scrolling through my unread texts.
There were a few from Gia and Coco asking if I was okay and if I needed to speak to them about anything. I said no and started scrolling through my Instagram stories. That's when I realised I didn't have Ash's Instagram, or even his number.

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