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bohemian rhapsody-queen
"I don't wanna die, sometimes wish I'd never been born at all"

I walked over to the shelf which the plant was on, I noticed that Custer was looking at me so I pretended to be looking for something.
"Everything okay Custer?"
"Hm Yeah, I was just worried you were going to knock the plant off that's all."

I nodded and slowly walked over to the chair which Ash was sat in, he pulled me into his lap and we both sat staring at Custer until Fez walked in.
"Yo y/n you ready to go? Uh is everything alright in here?"

I looked back at Ash and he nodded. I got up and started walking over to the plant. Before doing anything I looked at Faye, she looked scared. Not just scared, like terrified. I've never seen her like that before so it was really unsettling.
"Uh Fez do we still have that book?"

I started shuffling through the books on the shelves pretending to look for something
"A book?"
"Yeah you know that one where"
"Oh my god I am so sorry! Custer you were right about me being careful with the plant"
"Oh uh haha yeah! I'll clean it up"
"No it's fine!"

I saw that there was a recording device on the floor covered in dirt, I knelt on the floor and slid the recorder under the couch before cleaning up the dirt on the floor. I still didn't know fully what Ash might do. But I knew that if him or anyone else would get hurt? I'll do anything to prevent it.

After cleaning up most of the dirt I put my hand under the couch and grabbed the recorder.
I quickly showed Ash and he gestured for me to go over to him.
"What should I do with it?"
"Break it. He's probably planning to try and get some info for the feds."
"Sure. What are you gonna do with the knife?"
"What do you think?"
"You're going to get yourself killed Ash."
"I'll be fine don't worry ma. Just go and break the recording before he gets it."
"Ash what if something goes wrong."
"Stop worrying! Everything will be fine.
I promise."

I walked over to the couch and took the recording out from underneath it, I quickly stamped on it a few times and threw the pieces into the trash can.

"You ready to go Fez?"
"Wait you guys are leaving?"
"Uh yeah, is everything okay Custer?"
"Fez we need to talk man."
"About what?"
"Everything. Listen, the fucking cops found mouses body."

I was about to speak when I heard glass shatter in the kitchen, it was Faye.
"oh god, Faye i'll help"
"uh no! it's fine!"
"no Faye i'll come and help."

i walked over to Faye, when i looked down at her she had her finger over her lips, showing me and Fez to stay quiet. i quickly nodded before kneeling down to help her clean up.

after the glass was cleaned up i walked back over to ash and sat on the floor beside the chair he was in, he looked down at me confused but i just shook my head and nodded over to Faye.

"i thought you told me Laurie killed mouse. right? Laurie? the drug dealer who lives off Kemper?"
"i never said that"
"yeah. you did."
"what are you talking about i never said that? listen, are you high right now?"
"yes you did."
"no i didn't, so how about you just shut the fuck up alright?"
"woah alright big guy. i think it's about time you got out of here"
fez said while slowly walking towards him,

"listen man, we have to figure out what the fuck we're gonna say, this has become a huge fucking issue alright?"

i felt movement against my shoulder and when i looked up i saw that ash had gotten up out of the chair and was now walking over to the couch where Custer was sat.
"ash no please"
"wait no ash. ash!"

i shut my eyes. when i opened them again i saw ash stood with his hands on his head, panicked.
"ash what did you-"
that's when i saw it, Custer was laid back on the couch, with a knife in his neck. more specifically the knife i had bought for ash as a present. i could tell by the handle.
"no. you didn't."
"y/n wait. please it was a mistake."
"ash no! i told you- i tol- i told"
"i know! i'm so sorry please. we need to get out of here y/n please get up."

i couldn't even speak. that's when i saw ash walking over to fez with Custer's phone in his hand, before dropping it in a cup of soda.
i didn't fully realise what was going on, i sort of zoned out. everything was still happening in front of me and i could still see it all, i just wasn't aware. when i finally snapped back ash was bleeding, and Faye was still stood in the same place she had been the whole time.

"ash are you okay? what happened?"
"y/n i'm fine. it's you we have to worry about. but there's no time for that shit."
he grabbed my wrist with one hand and grabbed a gun with the other, then dragged me into the bathroom.
"lay in the bathtub and don't move, no matter what happens okay?"
"ash no."
"you have to."
"but what about you?"
"i'll be fine. i promise."
"i love you."

me and ash then got into the bathtub, he had one of his arms wrapped around my neck holding me tight in a hug. my head was right next to the end of the gun, i was crying.

that's when we heard the front door bust open,
they were in.
fez was banging on the door and screaming.
then there was a more rough voice

"y/n really was a good kid. everyone loved her, if you ever needed anyone she would always be there for you without fail. but she'd been through a lot. i don't want to make her seem like a total angel who could never do anything wrong, because she definitely wasn't. she found. well she found it hard to listen to people. and she would never believe you when you'd tell her that you actually loved and cared about her. i will forever hate myself for being such a dick to her all the time. i was her sisters best friend for the longest time but ruined everything. she probably thinks that all these speeches about her are cringe and terrible but deep down she really would love them. i really did love her. like she was my own sister really. but, the real question is who didn't love her?"
- cassie howard

then it happened. the first shot.
ash started shooting at the door like crazy, and the cops shot back. that's when i heard fez scream.
"ash stop please, ash please. i don't want to die"
"it's fine, i love you."

then he stepped out of the bathtub.

i'm so sorry this story hasn't been updated for awhile, i mean it's literally been months haha, i'm gonna try getting back to updating other stories regularly as this one is going to end soon. only a few chapters left to edit and then publish!
also tysm for the amount of attention this story has got, it's crazy because this was my first ever story and i didn't expect for this to happen, i'll get the other chapters out as quickly as possible! <333

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