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space song- beach house
"who will dry your eyes when it falls apart?"

Just then I got a text.

I'm outside

Ok I'll be out in a sec

Be quick I need to get
your brother

Jays going to be there?

Yeah he's coming back
from a deal

"I'm not going to argue with you though Ash, hurry up my dads here"
"I'm not trying to argue! I'm just confused that you aren't fully with me and Fez in this."
"Believe me Ash, all this is a part of something bigger. I need to be with my dad to stop it."

I walked away and said bye to everyone before getting into my dads car.
"Everything okay? Do you want me to drop you off before I go to get Jay?"
"No it's fine."

The car ride was silent until we parked up and a Jay got in the car.
"Yo! How come y/n is here?"
"Hi Jay"
"She's coming to stay with us, she was at Laurie's place and asked me to come get her."
"Cool, where is she gonna stay?"
"In her old room? Oh yeah, do you want to go get anything from your place before we go?"
"Yeah can you stop there so I can grab some clothes and stuff, how long am I gonna be staying?"
"You can stay as long as you like"
"Thanks, I'll pack for like 3 days because I don't know if Maddy will want to be living on her own for long"

We drove to my house and I got out to pack my bag, I had a key because last time there was only one spare things didn't end well.
I went up to my room and grabbed my old gym bag out of my closet,

It was going to be really hot for the next couple of days so I only packed things like leggings and cropped shirts. I did pack a couple of hoodies just in case though, I noticed that a few of them were Ashtrays but I didn't care, we were friends so it's not like it really matters.

I packed the rest of my stuff, like things from my bathroom, my hair and makeup stuff etc, I was out the house after 5 minutes with 2 bags of stuff.
"You really need 2 bags for 3 days?"
"Yes Jay so shut up, this one's for clothes and shoes, this one's for hair and makeup."
"K chill"

When we got back to the house I went straight into my room and started unpacking, it was weirdly clean even though I hadn't stayed in there for a while. I'd been in there to put up new pictures and stuff a few days after my mom passed, I almost had to live there until the house was done being investigated.

The room:

(Imagine theres photos of you and your friends and stuff above the bed)

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(Imagine theres photos of you and your friends and stuff above the bed)

I stood up on the bed and looked at all the photos that were on the wall, there were a few of me and Ash from when we were together and some of me and Gia. I took the ones of me and Gia down but left the ones of me and Ash. Me and Gia hated each other, but me and Ash didn't. Maybe he hated me, because I was being an asshole. But I could never hate him. I just want all this to be over so that I can tell him why I need to stay with my dad and why I need to act like I prefer him over where I stayed before.

My phone had been dead so I went on my laptop while it was charging, as soon as I turned it back on I saw how many missed calls and texts that I had,
Ashtray- 16 missed calls
Ashtray- 27 messages
Fezco- 10 missed calls
Fezco- 14 messages
Maddy- 2 missed calls
Maddy- 5 messages
I really hoped that Ash and Fez hadn't told Maddy what happened. She'd be going crazy.

"Y/n! Come in here!"
"What's up Jay!?"
"There's this guy on FaceTime! He says he needs to speak wit you?"
"I'm just getting changed one sec!"

I put on one of Ash's hoodies and some Nike pro shorts, they were my fav thing to wear.
I walked into Jay's room and saw that he was on FaceTime to Ash?
"Oh hey Ash, I didn't know that you had Jay's number?"
"We met at a deal. He's cool."
"Yeah yeah, anyways what's up?"
"You weren't picking up any of my calls"
"My phone was dead"
"Well can you call me then?"
"Yeah in a minute"

I walked out the room and grabbed my phone to call Ash, but I messaged him first.


FaceTime or regular?


Ugh fine

"So what's up?"
"I need to talk to you about what you said earlier"
"I can't talk about it. You know that"
"Are you coming over to hang out tomorrow?"
"Maybe, idk if I'll be able to"
"Alr, just lmk"
"I hear Jay outside"
"Ohh okay. So you need to come to work at the gas station tomorrow, Fez is gonna be out on business and I can't run it by myself"
"Are you kidding? I have to work tomorrow?"
"It's not my choice"
"But I'm only meant to work 3 days! Can't you get someone else?"
"You trust Faye running a gas station?"
"Oh never mind"
"So you need to come in at 11:30 and I don't know when he's going to be back so we might have to close up"
"Ugh fine, Jay are you outside my room right now?"
"Uh yeah, I was checking if you were dating or something, and you have a job?"
"Yeah. You work with dad."
"I know but, I don't need to do that I choose to"
"Well I need money"
"For what?"
"Clothes, and shoes and hair stuff. Plus now that me and Maddy live alone I need to help her pay for stuff for the house"
"Oh, well me and dad are leaving now"
"Call us if you need anything"
"I will"
"Bye Ash!"
"Jay he doesn't want to talk to you!"
"See you Jay"
"See, he answered me"
"Hurry up and get out."

Ash was laughing.
"Why are you laughing!"
"You two are so mean to each other"
"Do you and Fez not act like that? I thought that it was a sibling thing"
"Maybe it's because of the age gap"
"Oh yeah, we are practically twins"
"Anyways, meet me at the gas station tomorrow, 11:30. I need to talk to you."
"Ight, does Fez actually need help tho?"
"Not for long, you can chill wit me in the back"
"Cool, anyways it's like 12:30 I gotta go bed if im getting up early for yall"
"Ight, gn ma"
"Night Ash"

I hung up and started getting ready for bed, I was going to shower in the morning so I needed to get as much sleep as possible, if I wanted to look good I was going to have to wake up at like 7:30 and be out the house by 11.

After I was finished getting ready I set an alarm on my phone for 7:30 and went to sleep.

forever?  Ashtray x readerWhere stories live. Discover now