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war of hearts- ruelle
"I know that I'd die without you"

When we got back to the house I ran straight into my room to see Faye,
"It was a little last minute!"

I ran up to her and hugged her,
"Still clean?"
"How long now?"
"4 days!"
"I'm so proud of you Faye!"

I hugged her even tighter, she promised to try and stay clean for me, we were doing it together. Most heroine addicts die before even getting the chance to try and get clean, let alone go to rehab so we both knew how big this was for her.

"How long are you staying for?"
"Maybe 2-3 days?"
"Yay! Wait."
"What's up?"
"Promise you won't let Ash or Fez know I've told you this."
"What is it?"

My heart dropped. They were keeping secrets from me? I began overthinking, what if Ash was cheating again? What if Fez didn't want me staying here anymore?

"It's about your dad."
"What about him?"
"Well he came over here the other day, when you weren't here. He was threatening to kill you and all of us. Ash hit him. With a hammer."
"What... so he's dead?"
"Yeah, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have told you"
"No it's fine! Is Jay okay?"
"My brother."
"I don't know. Nobody brought him up."
"Thanks so much for telling me Faye. I need to check if he's okay. Don't tell Ash I'm gone he'll get worried about me."
"Where are you going?"
"To find my brother."
"Please be safe."
"I will."

I grabbed one of my bags and filled it with a gun and all my other essentials, like my phone, money, keys etc.

I put the bag over my shoulder before opening the bedroom window and sneaking out, my bike was here so it's not like I would have to walk. Plus I could just bike to my house and take the car. Maddy wouldn't mind. Plus she's staying with Cassie to make sure she's okay.

I got on my bike and rode to my house, with my bag in the front basket making sure I had easy access to the gun inside.

When I got to the house I locked my bike up outside before getting into Maddy's car.
I texted Jay asking where he was

Jay ⚡️

Where are u rn?

Y/n why are you texting
me? What if dad finds out?

Just tell me where you
are! It's important

I'm at home?

I'm coming to get you rn,
I'll tell you what happened
in person. Don't worry abt it.

Fine, want me to get

Pack your stuff.
Read 11:37pm


I started driving to the house, Jay didn't even know our dad was dead. How was I going to tell him? He wasn't going to have anywhere to stay.

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