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We were driving for around 10 minutes when I realised that we were outside the hospital.
"Fez why are we here?" I had only just stopped crying but I had a feeling it wasn't going to last long. Fez turned around to look at me.
"Listen y/n, it's your mom."
I knew what was coming. Ash grabbed my hand.
"She had to go into an emergency surgery, there's a really small chance that she'll make it out alive"

I started crying hysterically, if I lost my mom I don't know what I'd do. Me and Ash got out of the car and went inside while Fez went to find a parking spot.
"Hey are you guys okay?" It was the receptionist.
"Can you help us find someone?" I asked her,
"Sure! I just need the patients name, date of birth and your relationship to the patient." I nodded
"She's called Jennifer Watson and she was born July 22nd 1980."
"Alright, and relationships to her?"
"I'm her daughter and this is my boyfriend."
Just then Fez walked in,
"And who's this?"
"My brother" Ash said.

The receptionist got a nurse to lead us to where my mom was,
"She's just in there, let me check if you guys are allowed to go in yet"
Fez nodded and we all sat on a couch outside the hospital room.
"Y/n you okay?" Ash put his arm around me.
I laid my head down on his shoulder
"Not really"
We sat there hugging until the nurse came back out.
"Only one person in at a time guys"
I got up and went into the room. I hated seeing my mom like this, she had all sorts of IV's around her, and there was a heart monitor in the corner.

I held her hand and felt how cold she was, I didn't know how much longer I would be able to stay in here, it was eerie just looking at her. I hated that I thought that, but it was the truth.
Then a loud beeping started and I saw that there was an emergency alarm going off, I turned to the monitor beside me and saw that it had flatlined.

Three doctors came rushing in and I was forced out of the room. I was in shock. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I just stood. Then I started to get super dizzy, then everything went black. But I could hear Ash screaming for help.

I woke up in a hospital bed, Ash was sat beside me and Fez was stood in the corner.
"What bro." He didn't even look up.
"She's awake!" Ash was holding onto my hand.
"Hey Ash" I was forcing a smile. He looked so happy, but then it looked like he realised something.
"Ash are you okay?" He looked over at Fez and Fez nodded at him.
"You need to tell her bro"
"Tell me what?"

Ash squeezed my hand and sighed.
"While you were in here the doctors had to do another surgery on your mom."
That's when Fez walked over to the bed.
"She didn't make it y/n"
I don't know what happened, I couldn't cry, I couldn't speak. I didn't even feel a reaction until a few minutes after they told me.
"No, she can't be" I began crying.
"Y/n I am so sorry" Fez came over and hugged me. He never really hugged people.
"I know your mom never really liked me much, but that doesn't mean I ain't here for you" Fez can be nice when he wants to be. That's what everyone loves about him.

"I love you both so much" that's when I burst into tears, all these different feelings were coming over me all at once, sadness, grief, anger, anxiety, love. That's when I remembered, what about Maddy?
"Guys have any of you spoken to Maddy?"
"Oh shit, no, I'm sorry y/n" Ash seemed like he thought he let me down. He always wants to be the best for everyone all the time.

I picked up my phone and called her.
(Y/n is this font)
(Maddy is this one)

Hey y/n, what's up?

Maddy, have you not had a call from the hospital at all today?

No why? Is something wrong?

Yeah, you need to get here right now

Why what happened?

Mom had to go in for 2 emergency surgeries,

2?! Just today?

Yeah, and I'm in here too, ask for my room when you get here

Alright I'm on my way love u bye

Bye Mads love u

"You didn't tell her about your mom?"
"No Fez, I'm not gonna tell Maddy that our mom died over the phone, that's horrible"
"Oh shit, I didn't think about it like that"

Maddy showed up about 20 minutes later and rushed into my room.
"Where's mom's room? I wanna go and see her"
"Maddy," I was about to tell her when Ash interrupted what I was trying to say.
"Maddy your mom died. Y/n was in the room when it happened, she passed out and hit her head, that's why she's here."

Maddy was stuck in place, she seemed to have the same reaction as me, then she burst into tears. Fez ran up to her and hugged her too.
"Maddy, you and y/n are like my little sisters bro, come get a drink to calm yourself down"
Fez took Maddy to the café, so it was just me and Ash left in the room.

Authors note!
Thank you guys so much for all the views and attention I've been getting on this story! I'll try and post as much as possible but my life has been really busy lately,
960 words! Normally I only do around 500-700 but this is quite a long chapter

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