32- ending.

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church-chase atlantic
"don't take my verses out of context,
i know it's weighing on your conscience"

"don't worry ma, i love you"
"ash... what are you doing"

then he fell, the shooting stopped.
a police officer walked over to the door and kicked it open, where he was struck by ashtray's body, he was laid on his back.

i burst into tears, he was dead. i didn't even try and stop him. why didn't i get out? why didn't i pull him away? why di-"

the sound of a shotgun firing filled the house.


the officer fell to the floor, i got out of the bathtub and ran to stand beside ash.
"ash are you okay? i thought you got shot, oh my god please never do that again"
i hugged him tightly and i didn't have any intention to let go, until i felt ash turning me to face the door.

that's when i saw it.
i held ashtray's hand and watched as the lasers from two guns rose up our bodies, slowly passing over our eyes and stopping at the centres of our foreheads.
"i'll always love you y/n, i promise"
"i'll love you forever ashtray, i promise."

i could hear fezco shouting,


all my memories flashed back, i met ash for the first time again, watched him hold me while i watched fez try to help my mom, felt him holding my hand whenever i visited her in the hospital. i remembered our first kiss, late nights out at the park or working at the gas station getting high. i was gonna miss it. i was gonna miss him.

then i saw maddy run through the door

"NO PL-"

everything went dark.

3 months later.

i loved them both so much, ash as if he was my own brother. he helped y/n so much. i just wished i could have watched them grow up together, or at least have the opportunity to be able to see them grow up.

i started babysitting y/n when she was like up to my knees bro, im just pissed that i couldn't see her reach higher than my shoulder.
ash? ash was my bro, i loved him so much man, i can't believe he ain't here anymore. he grew up way too fast, and he passed too early.
i saw it all happen, i was there, i know this is about to sound cringey and shit but i swear it's true. their last words were to each other, saying that they would love each other forever and shit.
im sorry i cant do this. can i go?

forever?  Ashtray x readerWhere stories live. Discover now