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Your pov:
"You heard what I said"
"Jaden get off me"
I elbowed him but he wouldn't get off me
He covered my mouth but Ash walked over and punched him.
"What the fuck man, don't touch my girl"
"I can do what I want, she probably doesn't even wanna be with you anymore"
Then Ash started punching him and they ended up fighting on the floor, after Jay was knocked out Ash got up and wiped his lip,
"Ash you're bleeding"
"It's fine, it's only my lip"
"No Ash come on you're coming into the bathroom"
He understood what you were trying to do and followed you.
"So now is your chance"
"You said I didn't know the full story about you and Gia, so tell me."
"You won't believe me."
"Ash I will, unless you're lying."
"Fine, but don't get mad. After I spoke to Nate he started sending pictures to me of you. Like when you were sleeping and when you were getting changed."
"WHAT! I need to tell Maddy"
"NO, y/n don't, you know how she is, she'll tell him and you heard what he said he'd do"
"Ash what do I do then? Those pictures could easily get out?"
"Don't worry about it, why do you think Fez came? It was a plan the whole time"
"Ash I honestly love you so much"

Ash pov:
I got a text from Fez telling me to bring y/n to the living room, I knew what was going to happen, so I showed her the text and made sure I was holding onto her the whole time.

Y/n pov:
Ash had his hands around my waist the whole time we were in the living room, he had shown me the text from Fez and I knew something bad was going to happen. Fez walked up to Nate.
"Didn't you say you were going to kill me the last time we spoke" Nate asked
"It's Maddy's birthday, keep things chill man."
Then Fez hit Nate around the head with a bottle Ash gave him and started punching him in the face. People were crowding around and I could see Maddy crying, knowing she couldn't do anything to help Nate.
"You take any fucking pictures of y/n or threaten to kill her again and I will kill you man."
After another hour or so Fez took me and Ash out Cassie's house and we drove home.
"Ash did you tell her the full story?"
Ash was drunk
"Yeah man I like love her so much I can't keep any secrets from her bro"
I started laughing
"Y/n can we get married?"
"Ash come on you're drunk, go inside."
But he did make me feel special, even if he was drunk, drunken words are sober thoughts.
When we got inside Fez went straight into his room and I took Ash to bed.
"Ash go to sleep"
"Y/n noooo, I wanna get freakayyyy"
"Go to sleep now or I'm sleeping on the couch."
I got changed and got into bed, Ash was already asleep and he kept snoring. But now was the time to check his phone to see if Nate had done anything else while we were at the party or while we were here. Just as I turned on his phone I saw that there was a new message from Nate. It was a picture of me and Ash in bed. It read "sleep tight" under the photo. I decided to ignore it and go to sleep, I didn't have time for this.

forever?  Ashtray x readerWhere stories live. Discover now