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Lovers Rock- TV Girl
" because love can burn like a cigarette,
and leave you alone with nothing."

"Ash she's coming."
"Ight it's ready"

Maddy walked over with the other girls,
"Y'all got a ticket?"

They all showed me the small yellow tickets Fez was giving out.

"How many?"
"5. Wait Lexi you want any?"
"Make it 4"
"For sure Mads"

I got the pretzels from Ash and passed them out to the girls, making sure to give Cassie hers last. I smiled at her as she walked away.

"God I was fighting the urge to punch her in the face right there just then."
"Its good you didn't, now we can follow her around to watch her embarrass herself."
"Lex you ready?"

Lexi was going to be running the stand while we were gone so me and Ash could see what happens to Cassie. Maddy told me she wasn't good coping with it regularly, so this was going to be funny as hell.

We waited until they came out from around the back of one of the stands before following them, the first place they went was the Ferris wheel, we decided to wait at the bottom on one of the benches,
"How long you think its gonna take?"
"Normally takes 10 ish minutes, but for her? If she's not good with it and has extra? Prolly bout 5. So maybe just as she's getting off here"
"Ughhh its going to go by so slow"
"I know but it'll be worth it"

10 minutes had passed when the girls finally got off of the Ferris wheel. Cassie didn't look different, but I could tell it had hit her quick by the way she was acting. I walked over to Maddy to see if there was any way to make Cassie admit what she did.

"Hey Mads!"
"Hey y/n! How come you aren't at the stand?"
"Lexi said she'd run it for a while so that me and Ash have a chance to do stuff here"
"Aw she's so nice, you guys want to come to the carousel with us?"

I looked back at Ash.
"Want to?"

I grabbed his hand and ran to the carousel, Maddy and the others close behind.
"Okay, Cassie you go on that one, Maddy you can go next to her. Ash we can go on the double one, and you guys can pick where you want to go"
"Wait hold on, I think Nate needs me"
"Oh okay, don't be long"
"I won't. I think he wants me to be there for when his family win that competition, again."
"K, bye Mads!"
"Bye birdie!"
"Ugh I hate that nickname"
"Where did it even come from?"
"When I was younger I dressed up as a bird and jumped off a swing set. I broke my leg."
"Am I allowed to laugh?"

Mistake. He didn't stop laughing until the carousel started, especially after I showed him the picture of me in the bird costume.
(The birdie nickname story is completely true and happened to me 😭)

When the carousel started it was all normal until after around 2-3 minutes, Cassie literally started riding the carousel. Not like just sitting on it normally like any other person. This girl literally started having sex with the pole.

Me and Ash looked at each other trying not to laugh at what was happening, at this point she was moaning and wouldn't shut up. Everyone around was laughing so my first thought was to record it.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm recording it."
"Because she's a bitch and she deserves for this to be put out for everyone to see"

She didn't stop until the ride finally started to slow down, but at this point she noticed that everyone had been staring and laughing at her, she burst into tears and ran off.

"Oh shit. We need to go"

I grabbed Ash and we ran after her,
"Where the fuck did she go?"
"I don't know. But we need to find her."

I noticed her crying in the corner.
"You want to go over to her?"
"I don't know."
"Do whatever you think is right ma"
"Thanks Ash. Wait here"
I kissed him on the cheek and ran over to Cassie.

I guess I might have felt sort of bad, but not really. All this was really just karma coming for her.

"You want me to call Maddy?"
"Yeah. Please don't tell her, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. She's my best friend."
"You need to tell her at some point."
"Can't you?"
"She'll get even more angry than she would be normally if she heard it from anyone other than you. You should just tell her and hope for the best, if she doesn't accept it straight away then you just need to let her do it in her own time"
"Have you ever really liked me?"
"Being honest with you. I did at one point, that was before I found out about you and Nate."
"How did you find out?"
"Me and Rue, we were out on our bikes on the way back from the gas station, we saw you kiss Nate and drive off in his truck."
"Listen Cass. Just take some time for yourself, you need time away from Nate. He's only going to fuck your life up."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Because I understand you."

She hugged me and I took her over to Maddy. I explained what happened before going back to the pretzel stand with Ash.

"Why were you being so nice to her?"
"I genuinely feel bad for her in a way, her life's been hard. She doesn't know what she's doing"
"Are you sure?"
"Listen. Her dad left her so now she feels like she needs every single bit of male validation she can get. It's just how her brain works"

We served a few other people before closing the stand and going to the car to wait for Fez.
"You want to stay over tonight?"
"Of course."
"Faye talks about you non stop, you're like her best friend. I don't understand how you two are so close when you're like complete opposites"
"Not really, we have a lot in common"
"Fez is coming"

Fez got in the car and I moved into the back, Ash moved back with me.
"Y'all have fun?"
"Yeah, Lexi ran the stand for us for a while so we could go on the rides"
"Oh cool"
"What's up?"
"I didn't see her there, I thought she might not have gone"
"Hold on"
"Aren't you getting Lexi?"
"Oh shit. I was meant to be meeting her by the Ferris wheel."

He jumped out of the car and practically ran back to get Lexi. Me and Ash laughed as we watched him frantically looking around for her.

"Would you be like that for me?"
"Like what?"
"Like Fezco for Lexi."
"Of course. I even worried about you when we were broken up. I was afraid I'd lost you forever"
"I don't even want to speak about how I was when we were broken up"
"I hated seeing you like that. I thought you might die, I just had to act like I didn't care because I thought you hated me"
"I could never hate you."

forever?  Ashtray x readerWhere stories live. Discover now