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dangerous- akon
"I've seen her type before she's so dangerous"
"Wow you guys are really making me sit in the back? Oh hey Rue!"
"Hey! Is that Maddy's?"
"Yeah why?"
"Doesn't look like something you'd have"
"Well I didn't want to wear a dress so."

I looked forward and saw Ash looking at me in the mirror I smiled at him but he looked away.
"Why is everyone so quiet it's awkward. Anyways what are we doing tonight?"
"Ash is going to be with me selling like usual, you and Rue can do what you want"
"It's boring, I wanna help you sell"
"How would you help"
"Well. Asstray. When weird teenage boys see a hot girl they all come rushing in"
No reply.
"Exactly, you know I'm right. So I'm helping"

We pulled up outside the house and walked in.
"You guys go set up or whatever I'm finding Maddy, meet you next to the pool in 10."
"Ight don't get spiked"
"I'm not that stupid Ash."

I walked over to Maddy.
"I literally left before you how are you always here so fast?"
"Because the party wouldn't be a party without me, duh. Let's go do shots"
"It's 7pm!"

Let's say I was doing shots and dancing with Maddy for a lot longer than 10 minutes, I found out when Ashtray came up to me and dragged me over to where him and Fez were sitting.
"What were you thinking?"
"You're drunk at like 8pm."
"I am not!"
"No. Anyways let's stop talking about me and let's talk about you, I saw those girls all over you. Worry about those girls instead."
"Nah kid that's out of line"
"Fez shut up."
"You want me to get Ash to take you home rn?"
"NO! I'm finding Rue. You got any weed?"
"Not for you."

"Why does nobody ever give me anything. I'm literally this close 🤏🏼to going off on all of you"
I walked away to go find Rue.

Ashtray pov:
"Man she's a real asshole when she's drunk"
"Yeah, you just gotta get used to it man"
"I guess"
"Was she never drunk while y'all were dating?"
"No, she told me she doesn't drink"
"Well she had a huge drinking problem before her mom made her stop working wit me"
"Shit, i better go find her then"
I walked inside and I had to shove past everyone to get anywhere, then I saw Maddy.

"Maddy have you seen y/n?"
"Oh birdie? Yeah she went upstairs with this guy"
"Ya it's my nickname for her"
"What did this guy look like?"
"He goes to your school, I think he's called like Travis or something?"
"Shit. Travis, thanks for helping Maddy"

Travis was a bitch. I was meant to fight him before school ended but he didn't show up. Wanna know the reason why? Because he was fucking with y/n. He told me that as soon as we broke up he was going to be dating her. The thing is, I still like her. Who doesn't?

I ran up the stairs and started opening all the doors, let's just say that there was some stuff that I really didn't want to see. When I got to the last door I saw y/n and Travis making out on the bed,
"Travis what the hell?"
"Yo it's Ashy, this yo bitch?"
"She ain't my bitch. But she's drunk."
"I am not drunk!"

Y/n pov:

"I am not drunk!"
Why does he think I'm drunk I'm literally not.
"Yes you are! Come on we're leaving!"
"I don't want to leave"
"Well we are come on"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, then he put his hand around my waist and started leading me down the stairs, it was probably just so that I didn't fall, but it was hot. Nope I can't be saying that. Maybe I am drunk? Just a little, but you know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts 😏 wait that doesn't make sense because I didn't say it, may aswell.

"Why are you holding my waist"
"So you don't fall?"
"It's hot."
"I said it's hot?"
"Okay you're definitely drunk where's Fez"

We walked outside and Ash pointed at the couch showing me to sit down.
"You said you didn't have any weed and you're literally smoking some rn!"
"I said I didn't have any for you."

He passed me the joint and we ended up taking in turns with it until it burnt out.
That's when Ash walked over to us
"Uh y/n can I speak to you?"
"Yeah sure, about what?"
"Ill tell you when we speak. But in private."
"Fez can I go?"
"Yeah sure but no funny business"

We walked over to the corner of the yard next to the fence, nobody had been over there the whole night and it was pretty quiet.
"Y/n you drink?"
"Well not usually"
"Cut the bullshit. Fez told me everything"
"Well that's not his business to tell"
"Well it's my business to know."
"I don't think it is."

I kissed him on the lips, it was long, and I could tell that he wanted to. But I was just doing this to show him that he doesn't own me, just as he grabbed around my waist I pulled away.
"Y/n. I don't know if you're the same person I met a year ago."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You've changed."
"You changed me, this was your fault"
"What's my fault?"
"Everything that's happening to me right now."
"And what's that?"
"I'm telling you this hoping that you aren't going to tell anyone Ash. I'm trusting you, and I hope that you aren't going to betray me again."
"I won't, I promise."
"Well since the incident happened. I relapsed. Ive been taking drugs almost as much as Rue. I haven't told anyone and I feel terrible for it so that's why I started self harming. That's why I couldn't wear a dress tonight. Because they're fresh from earlier today."
"You can speak to me whenever you need me ma, but I want you to know that you are so much better than that shit, I'm going to try my best to help you get over this whole drug thing before you have to go to rehab, and about the self harming? You don't need to do that either. This is my fault so there's no reason for you to feel bad. So that means that there's no reason for you to be hurting yourself"
"Thanks so much Ash, you're the best"

I hugged him and we walked back over to Fez.
"Yo Fez can we leave now?"
"Sure, y/n you ready to go?"
"Yeah just let me text Maddy."

I found out that Maddy had another argument with Nate and now she was going to be fucking some random guy to get back at him. So she probably wasn't going to be back home tonight.

"I can't go home."
"Why what's up?"
"Maddy's fucking some random guy to annoy Nate, so she's not going to be back home"
"You can come stay with us, Faye's staying there for now anyways"
"Who's Faye?"
"This random chick who Fez is looking after, she pushed some guy off a balcony"
"Shittt, im going to the bathroom I'll be right back, want me to get Rue?"
"If she wants a ride then sure"

I walked inside and went up to some random guy
"Hey do you know where the bathroom is?"
"Yeah upstairs third door on your left"
"Thanks so much"

I walked up the stairs and over to the third door
"Is there anybody in there?"
"Yeah is that you y/n?"
"Nate? I thought you left"
"No I'm about to"
"Are you taking a shit at a party!"
"Well then hurry the fuck up"

I stood waiting outside and I swear I heard him talking to someone inside, I couldn't recognise the voice and the music was really loud. A couple minutes later Nate walked out and I went in the bathroom.

"Is there anybody in here?"
No reply.
I used the bathroom and I was washing my hands when I heard someone's phone go off.
"So Nate did have someone in here?"
I walked over to the bathtub and pulled back the curtain. Guess who was in there.
Once again Cassie mother fuckin Howard being a problematic bitch.

"You're fucking your best friends ex boyfriend?"
"Please don't tell her it was an accident"
"No. Shut the fuck up, you low attention seeking whore you are lucky Maddy isn't here, just you wait until I tell her. She is going to beat the absolute shit out of you. Actually, you're pretty lucky that I'm drunk and high right now or I probably would have done it myself."
"I'm sorry"
"I said shut the fuck up!"

I spat on her before walking out to find Rue.

forever?  Ashtray x readerWhere stories live. Discover now