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talk 2 me- montell fish
"why don't you talk to me, like you used to"

"Hey Rue Rue!"
"We're leaving now do you need a ride?"
"Yeah and can Lexi and Jules come too? They're staying at my place"
"Yeah sure get them and I'll meet you outside with Fez and Ash"

I walked out the door and that's when I realised.
There aren't enough seats.
Fez let Lexi sit in the passenger seat instead of Ash because #fexiforlife
I'm actually their #1 supporter 😜

"Yo someone's gon have to sit on somebody's lap"
"I vote y/n"
"Rue why!"
"Because you're the lightest?"
"Okay fine."
"Not mine"
"Not mine either"

So I was stuck with Ash.
"Don't make this more awkward than it has to be okay Asstray?"
"Rude much"

I sat on his lap but it was literally so uncomfortable I'm not even kidding
"Do you have something in your pocket?"
"What do you?"

He pulled a gun out of his pants
(I know what you guys were thinking 🤨)

"Why the fuck do you have a gun?"
"Self Defense"
"Why would you have it in your pants while I'm sat here what if it went off and shot your dick off"
"It has safety dumbass"
"Ignore her she's high"
"Shut up Rue!"

The car went silent until after Lexi and Jules got dropped off, that's when Rue decided that it was a good time to start doing lines. In the car.

"Do you really have to do that here?"
"Uh yes, where else am I gonna do it?"

At this point Ash had moved into the front seat and I was sat beside Rue, then Fez got a phonecall.
"Wassup bro"
"We need to go to Laurie now"
"Wasn't that meant to be tomorrow?"
"Well we need to drop off Rue and y/n"
"No time, we need to go now"
"Shit man"

We drove up to two people, one I recognised as Custer, and the other was a blonde girl who I didn't know.

She got into the car and Ash and Fez went inside, I wanted to go too but they wouldn't let me, I'm literally scarier than Ash 🙄.

"I'm Faye"
"I'm y/n"

Rue fist bumped her and she pulled out a tin of mints, except it wasn't mints.

Me and Rue looked at each other confused as she held the needle in her mouth,
"Yo I don't think that here is the best place to be doing that"
"Shut the fuck up, you're probably like eating that gingers ass for oxys or whatever the fuck ur into"
"Woah calm down, she's only telling you. Plus, this probably isn't the best place to be doing that"

Never mind, she already injected herself, not just anywhere. In her fucking vagina.
"There? Are you kidding me?"
"Chill it's fine! I do it all the time"

Next thing I know I was getting slammed into a wall.
"So you're telling me you come here with two twelve year olds, two junkie whores and a random guy I don't know?"
"Hold up that one ain't no twelve year old man, that's Mouse's fucking daughter"
"Ah, it is. What are you doing here with these guys y/n? Shall I call your dad to come and get you?"
"No! I'm fucking fine alright?"
"Woah chill, feisty."
"As for you guys, get naked"
"We need to make sure you ain't got nothin"

Ash immediately started taking his jacket off,
"Woah not you man, nobody wants to see that shit, you too y/n. Take yourself and this kid to the closet"

At least I didn't have to see anybody naked🤷🏻‍♀️
I took Ash to the closet, waving to Laurie on the way, she knew my dad and we were around her a lot when I was younger.

I walked Ash over to the closet, there was this random tall guy following us there. I knew everybody else but him. When we got to the closet I went inside and the guy locked the door behind us,
"What the fuck man! It's not like I'm gonna try and escape or anything"

I heard him walk away
"You didn't tell me you know these people!"
"It's hard not to when your dad knows them."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it wasn't important!"
"But it is!"
"It's really not, it wasn't putting you or Fez in any danger, so you didn't have to know"
"I feel like you're still a stranger to me, you never tell me anything about you"
"Believe me, there's a lot more that you don't know"
"Like what"
"Why should I tell you."
"Because we're meant to be friends"

"Fine. Tell me something about you first"
"You already know basically everything! We used to live together?"
"Alright fair, well Mouse isn't actually Maddy's dad, but I have two other half siblings one has the same dad as Maddy."
"That's more about Maddy"
"I just told you I have two other siblings!"
"What are they called?"
"Well one is older than all of us, she's called Emmy and she's 23. Then there's my brother, everyone thinks that we're twins, but really my dad had been getting with another woman the same time that my mom was pregnant with me. He's 2 weeks older than me and he's called Jay."
"Cool, how come I've never met them?"

"Emmy has her own place, and Jay lives with our Dad, he deals with them a lot."
"He could've been the one who was with Mouse when he came to me and Fez"
"Well actually, now that I think about it, there's something that I haven't told you"
"Really? What?"
"I like you."
"What the fuck, how do you like me when you literally have been an asshole to me the whole time we've been broken up!"
"I'm sorry!"
"No, I don't wanna hear it. Speak to me another time."

That's when I took a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock.
"You could've got us out the whole time?"
"Obviously. If you really knew me then you'd know that I always carry a bobby pin."
I locked the door behind me, leaving Ashtray in there by himself.

I walked out and went to Laurie.
"Oh hey y/n, did they let you out of the closet?"
"Nope, I let myself out."
"What about the other kid?"
"I locked him back in there, I don't know if I can fully trust him"
"Why not? Aren't you friends with him?"
"We used to be dating."
"Ohh, so what brings you in here?"
"Do you know where the other guys put my phone?"
"Go ask them for it. Tell them I told you that you can have it back"
"Thanks so much Laurie, I'm probably gonna ask my dad to come get me."
"Alright, bye love"
"Bye Laurie love you!"

Laurie is like one of my aunts. She's always been there for me when I need her. I walked into the room that everybody else was in,
"Hey can I have my phone?"
"What? How did you get out? Where's the other guy?"
I showed them the bobby pin.
"He's still in there, yes it's locked."
"Well why should I give you your phone?"
"Laurie says I can have it, I want to call my dad"

I looked over at Fez, he seemed disappointed.
They grabbed my phone out of a drawer and I sat on a counter. I clicked on Mouse's name and waited for him to pick up.

I was surprised when he picked up after two rings.
"What's up princess?"
"Can you come pick me up dad?"
"Of course! Where are you?"
"I'm at Laurie's place, they're in the middle of a deal rn and I don't wanna be here"
"Sure, I'll be there in 10"
"Alright bye"

I hung up,
"Shit i left my jacket in the closet. Can I have the key?"
I grabbed the key from Bruce and went back to the closet.
"How come you have the key? And why are you back here?"
"I forgot my jacket. And my dads coming to pick me up."
"Your dad? As in Mouse."
"Yeah, Problem?"
"No. But can you let me out?"
"I'll check. GUYS CAN I LET ASH OUT??"

I moved out the way and let Ash walk out the door before I grabbed my jacket.
"How come you're siding with them?"
"What do you mean siding with them? They're like my family, plus. It's not like I'm holding a gun up to yours or Fezco's head?"

Omg guys what a huge plot twist 😱
anyways writing this story is starting to get boring so I'm going to end it soon 🤷🏻‍♀️ let me know if you guys want to get back with Ash or not because I can't decide rn

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