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Phone call.


Hey y/n, I need to speak to you

Gia what is there to talk about? You ditched me and forced Coco to because of my relationship!

Listen up, if you carry on seeing Ashtray, there'll be even bigger problems.

I turned the phone on speaker for Ash to listen

What sort of problems Gia?

Like me beating you up problems.

You seriously think you can beat me up?

For Ashtray? Easily.

Gia you are so cocky, I'm coming to your house to see Rue. Speak to me then.

I hung up.

I looked over and saw that Ash had been holding in his laughter the whole time, he made me start laughing and we were sat there for about 5 minutes before Fez walked in.

"What's so funny?"
"Bro Rues little sister wants to fight y/n so she can date me"
Even Fez laughed at that.

"Anyways guys I've got a place to be right now."
As I started to walk out I heard Ash behind me
"Fine hurry up"

"Shit wait Maddy's calling."

Hey bitch! You still coming to Rue's place?

Um of course! And I'm bringing Ashtray. Something might be happening.

WHAT? Tell me everything.

I might be fighting Gia.

Girl what is she on

I know right!

Shush Ash. Anyways we're on the way see you in 10.

I hung up and looked over to Ash.
"Promise me if anything happens you'll record it for me?"
"Damn, not even asking me to check if you're okay or anything, just record it"
"Check if im okay? Ash are you on the same stuff as Gia? You sure acting like it"
We were laughing and joking until we got to Rue's house, she was waiting out front.

"Yo Rue!"
"Hey yn! You not with Maddy?"
"No she's on the way rn!"
I got out of the car and walked over to Rue, Ash was beside me.
"Rue don't be mad at me for this."
"For what?"
"I might be fighting Gia, and before you say anything. It was her idea, she says she wants to beat me up because I'm dating Ash and she wanted to but he didn't like her back."
"Pfft I'm not gonna be mad, she might be my little sister and shit but she sounds hella stupid"

Glad to see she was on my side in this.
Maddy pulled up and basically ran to me and Rue, let me just add that she was in heels.

"Guys let's go inside! The others will be here in a few they just stopped at the gas station"
Ash put his arm around me and we walked inside. We saw Gia stood by her bedroom door.

"Hey Gia!" I fake smiled at her then kissed Ash. Okay that might sound bitchy but I'm just proving a point. That he isn't hers.

"Ugh bitch just wait until later"
I still hadn't pulled away, but I heard her bedroom door slam after she stormed off.
I heard everything that just happened repeating. What the hell? I pulled away from Ash and saw that Maddy had recorded the whole thing and was laughing to herself in the corner.

"Let me see!" I ran over, as I watched the video I realised how funny Gia's reaction was.
"Love come over here and watch!" I grabbed Ash by his wrist and brought him to look at the phone. He started laughing as he watched it.
"Ma you look hot in that not gonna lie"
"Oh shut up Ash, you know you looked hot"
I lightly slapped his arm. Cassie walked through the door, closely followed by Kat, BB and Lexi.

"Woah you guys are laughing at stuff without us? And Ashtray's here? What is going on?"
Cassie seemed confused, she was smart, just not when it came to social situations.
We showed all the girls the video and Lexi was in tears by the end of it.
"Woah yn is a bad bitchhh!" Bb said, shes everyone's biggest hype man and one of the funniest people I know.

"Stoppp, I don't even know why I did that"
We all went into Rue's room and were about to pick a movie when I got a call from Coco. This was weird because Gia had made her block me while I wasn't at school.
"Everyone be quiet Coco is calling me"
I picked up the phone and put it on speaker for everyone to be able to hear.

This font is Coco
This is you
Uh hey y/n is it okay if I speak to you for a second? It's really important

To be honest Coco, I don't really want to, but I don't exactly have a choice, so go ahead, but make it quick.

Okay so I don't really want to be friends with Gia and I never really have since she first tried to interfere with you and Ash. But I've been making her tell me all the things she thinks about you and just a minute ago she was telling me about how she was thinking of drugging you and she called this boy to come and take you while you're unconscious.

Woah, Coco slow down. So basically she's paid for someone to come and kidnap me so she can try to take Ash?

Yes exactly! And she just hung up to say that she's getting the food or drink to drug you with now! Don't take anything she gives you! Or just fake it!

Coco thank you so much for doing this for me. I can hear her coming now, I'll call you back later. Love you bye!

Love you! Send me the video of you beating her up! But bye!

Just then Gia walked in holding a tray with drinks for all of us. I went to grab the one closest to me when Gia grabbed my hand to stop me.
"NO! Oh uh I mean no this one's for you, enjoy"
She passed over another glass and I noticed that it was slightly cloudy and discoloured compared to the others.
Sorry about how long this has taken to get out but I really didn't know how to make the story more interesting for you guys.
I hope you're all enjoying the story so far but I was thinking of doing another?
Recommend me some characters to do (euphoria) and I'll start it as soon as possible for everyone!

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