Chapter 11- Threat

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•°—"I could be a threat also. Anyone could be a threat."—°

"And Yuri-chan?" the girl's smile dropped seeing the man who ordered to kill her before.

"Oh boss," Chuuya bowed his head while the girl with her and the older stared at each other. Mori was obviously surprised to see her alive and kicking. He didn't know that Dazai would keep her alive.

The orange haired man was confused at first seeing them together, not until he remembered what Yuri had told him before. He turned his head to his friend and he could clearly see the worriedness in her eyes.

He held her wrist and slowly pulled her closer to him.

"Uh... what're you doing here, boss?" he tried to buy himself time to think of a way to take his friend away from his boss.

"Um... nothing! Just taking Elise-chan out." he smiled and patted the head of the kid beside him. "Anyway, I didn't know you two knew each other?"

"She's been my best friend since childhood. You know her?" he said as he tightened his grip on the girl.

"Yeah, we already met each other before." the older said not planning to tell him what really happened before.

"Is that so?" the dark haired man nodded.

"Where are you guys up to?"

"Home, we've been in here since this morning" he lied.

"Well we should get going now, i thought we'll be able to join you but we still have a lot of things to do. See you around again, you too Yuri." she could hear how his tone changed mentioning her name.

Chuuya bowed his head again before the two disappeared in their sights. Finally, Yuri could breathe freely without getting anxious.

"Are you okay?" he immediately asked.

"Yeah, I was just startled."

"Let's go home now, I think I need to bring you somewhere else other than my home today. We don't really know what my boss is capable of" he said as he pulled her closer to him.

"I didn't know he was your boss," the girl silently said, making the man stop in his tracks. "You work in the mafia?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, i-i forgot..." he once again lied. It wasn't his intention to tell that to her but it just suddenly happened.

"It's alright, now it's clear to me why you know Dazai. I was a bit confused at first." she explained. "But are you okay there?"

"Yeah, there's nothing to be worried about. I kinda liked it ya'know."


"I mean not because of the killings... it's just- they accept me for who i am and i just wanted to return the favor."

"ah... does that mean you already killed someone?"

"I already killed people before even when I wasn't in the mafia"

"When we were kids....?" he nodded, avoiding her gaze. He was ashamed of himself talking about that in front of his best friend whom he had never told about it. The girl got silent, not because she was terrified of him but because she was surprised that he trusted her by telling the truth. "Wow Chuuya, you really trust me huh?"

"Are you not scared of me?" Yuri turned to her friend with a confused face.

"Why would i?"

"Because I kill people, like Dazai."

"You're not like him. I know that."

"I'm literally a threat that could kill you right now and you're trusting me."

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