Chapter 6- Not Too Well

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•°—This is not too well—°•

Yuri P.O.V.

I was back to my senses. I didn't want to open my eyes because of the comfort I felt. It was different from my usual mornings, it used to be alone and cold but this time, it was warm and cozy. I know I'm not alone, I could tell that because of the arms around my waist like it doesn't want to let go of me. Those warm breath sending chills but cozy feeling was just making my morning awesome.

I slowly opened my eyes and I didn't want to go away. I got stiffed when I felt the person beside me moved and relocate his hand from my waist, up to my arm.

I don't know why but my heart starts drumming like crazy. Maybe because I was anxious or maybe because of something else.

I slowly remove his hands off me and roll out of the bed. I took a breath heavily to calm my nerves down. I was shaking from being flustered, it’s too early from being like this.

I went to the sink and wash my face. I had no toothbrush with me but when I look up, there was a cup with two toothbrush in it. One was black with blue designs while the other one was black with pink designs.

I should not use it but since I can't leave my mouth with morning breath, I took the brush with pink designs and used it. I was confused why he had a girly brush in here but realization didn't surprise me. I'm pretty sure this is one of his barbie dolls's or his hoes.

I shrugged off the thought and open the cabinets after brushing my teeth. I was looking for a tea and I luckily catch one. I checked the expiration date first before drinking it and it wasn't expired yet.

I walk over the balcony and lean over the railings. The beautiful clear view of the sunset over the sea makes my morning even more good.

I stayed there until my tea was all gone. I walk out of unit and went down to the sea. The breeze started kissing my skin, the sand that brushes my bare feet. I feel free and alive. It was like, I finally reached my fantasy normal life.

It was my first time seeing this beautiful view. I don't know if I already did before but as I mentioned then, I already forgot few of my memories.

I sighed not even wanting to remember what happened. I never wanted to go back there or even see that devil. If I ever did, I'll push him away or maybe take advantage of my ability.

I sat on the gentle sand and watch the sun sets beautifully. The sky was slowly brighting up with a pigment of pink and orange it was heavenly.

"I thought you already left me" I turn my head and saw the morning appearance of Dazai. He still look good even tho he just woke up. I stood up and dust away the sand sticking on my clothes. "you seemed to like the sea"

"Yeah... It's my first time seeing one, i guess?" he raised his left brow. "I'm not sure, i think I've already been there i just couldn't remember it" i said and he looked back to the sea again.

"If you want to take a swim, go ahead just be quick we'll go out later" He said.

I was surprised but I didn't let him notice. He was considerate for the first time. Is this change I see?

"it's fine, I don't have clothes with me" I said.

"I have, now go before I change my mind." he said and walk away. I was left dumbfounded as I stared at him walking away.

I'm so shock, he might not be showing that he's being nice but I could tell that he is.

I ran to the water and felt so refreshing.

Devilish Charm- Dazai x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now