Chapter 8- Change Of Plans

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•°-change of plans?-°•

3rd person P.O.V

The two reached the hilltop with beautiful view of nature around. The cold breeze went pass to them and they couldn't acknowledge it too much because of being distracted to the beauty of nature.

Dazai really had no idea how he end up bringing her there. It was supposed to be his and his lover's secret place but remembering her presence earlier made him wanted to reminisce every single memory he had with her.

Yuri on the other page was busy appreciating the place. The place was awfully familiar to her, obviously because the nature always had the same beauty for her. She was confused why Dazai had to bring her here but she was glad to be out of the suffocating hell hole every once in a while.

"what are we doing here?" she said as politely as she could. The man was caught off guard but he didn't show it.

"we're gonna train here" it was the lamest reason he have said in his entire life. Well what else was he supposed to say anyway, tell her the truth? It will be more humiliating than saying random reason.

The girl was disappointed, she thought it would be a good time to rest in a good place but she found it more entertaining than just being locked up and all she could do was to curled up in fear.

They both started the so called training and almost beat up each other. It was a bit refreshing to do the activity after their recent big fight in the house. The mood was a bit gloomy before they went to the place but it changed once they started the training, they become comfortable with each other again.

The hand to hand combat almost last for a while and it was no surprise to find themselves tired after. They didn't carry any food or water before they reach the hilltop, they are obviously mad hungry and exhausted already but they had no place to buy food.

"we need to go down to buy water" Dazai said after taking a small break. The girl almost groaned but she can't let him know about it.

Yuri stood up and followed the man down from the hill. They didn't have to use the car, there were a few food stalls around and there are a lot of people around, it looks like there was some special event or probably a festival.

Yuri didn't feel comfortable in the crowd, it was making her feel suffocated. She looked up to see Dazai's figure but instead, her heart skipped a beat to lose sight of the man. It could be a good time to escape and run away from him but with a lot of people around making her anxious, was no use for her to run. It was like her knees were too weak to move and her heart throbbing louder as she turn around to find Dazai.

She was scared to see that many people, she feel like her breath were shortening and any minute she'll start crying like a lost kid. She is not used to see them anymore, it was like every person she sees, she couldn't trust them anymore maybe because of trauma and experience too.

A hand held her arm which made her more anxious and scared. Her head quickly shot to see the person. She had a hope that it was Dazai the only person she's more comfortable with only in that situation but it wasn't him. It was another men that is very familiar with her.

That sharp dark black orbs staring straight to her soul. Her heart drop finding out who it was. The hunger and thirst she felt was all gone and change into anxiousness. Her reflexes quickly move and push his hand away just like what she did in the training earlier.

She ran out of the crowd and as soon as she reach the secluded part her arm was aggressively pulled and when she turn her head it was the man again.

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