Chapter 9- Commitment

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•°—committing the worse commitment ever —°•

3rd person P.O.V.

The girl woke up from her deep slumber still not satisfied waking up early because of being restless for not having enough sleep last night. Her mind quickly reminded of the words from Dazai last night about him letting her go. She wasn't sure whether it's a dream or not— obviously because it was just really out of the question like, why would he say that, if he almost killed her for calling the police? It messes her head just by thinking about it.

Yuri could only sigh deeply for having too much thoughts early in the morning.

She walked out of her room and start her day by making her favorite tea. The house feels empty as always, there's no doubt that the man was out of the place.

The wind blows inside and made the hair of the girl flow behind her. It shocked the girl feeling the cold breeze went inside the place. Doors and windows are always locked and closed there's no way it would get inside unless a window is open.

She followed where the wind was flowing and it lead her to the balcony. The curtain was dancing along the breeze and the door to get there was wide open.

It was where she and Dazai had talked last night. Maybe the man forgot to close it because of being tipsy from the wine but then the girl remembered what he said that night, about him letting her go. Is he really serious about it, that's why he left this door opened?

Full of pondering inside the girl's mind, lots of questions were left unanswered making her head hurt for it is too much to handle. She set aside those questions that she's trying to figure out how to answer and just enjoy this once in a life time moment. She decided to get in the balcony. Morning sun kisses her pale skin that just give a good warm feeling to her body.

It was the best morning ever not until her over thinker side came in.

What if later on something bad is going to happen that's why she felt this way? What if this is just like a dream that tomorrow when she wake up it's all gone? What if this was just a barrowed time and everything will be miserable once again?

She could only sigh as she once again made herself anxious for some things she shouldn't be thinking of.

Yuri got back inside but she didn't close the balcony. She just sat back down on the lonely couch thinking of a way to escape but everytime she thought of it, there's nothing comes up to her mind. It made her mind clouded with lots of unrelated thoughts again and she will just give up thinking about it.

It feels so heavy for her, thinking of the word 'escape'.

There was something inside her that somehow made her so attached in this pathetic life of her with Dazai and if she ever leaves, that thing will just disappear. She doesn't want to lose anything, she's too scared that she might not be able to recover it and then her life will be the same miserable again for losing that thing.


The hazel brown haired man felt so dumb for doing the shittiest thing he had ever done but feeling those similar familiar warm feeling from that person was too much to handle. He can't bring himself to hurt her, she's making him do those thing he had buried such a long time ago.

The sun was half down already and the man was on his way to home. He felt a bit bothered about getting back to his house since he's certain that he will be welcomed by the ghosted place.

As he reaches his home, he got out of his vehicle and went inside. His feet lead him to the door of the girl that lives in the same place with him. He hold the knob before going in as his heart was beating so fast and it feels like it will explode from the thoughts that run to his mind.

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