Chapter 4- Trouble

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•°—i just got into trouble again—°•

Yuri P.O.V.

I can feel my body again, i was back to my senses. I didn't want to open my eyes because i know that i didn't die that I was still alive and kicking. I sighed still eyes closed.

"You're finally awake" that familiar irritating devil's voice rang to my ears. I didn't respond, i acted sleeping. "You should have told me you wanted to suicide. We could do double suicide together, you know..." I opened my eyes and looked at him. His evil smirk was imprinted on his devil face.

"So you wanted to die too" i said.

"Of course, a double suicide can be good"

"may I know the reason?" He was a bit surprised by my question but he played it cool as if it's nothing to him.

"Because there's no point living this life. Do you really think there's any value in the act of living?" he answered.

"That's my reason too. But you keep interfering and stopping me" i said and look up on the window

"Didn't i told you that i needed you?" He said as my heart beats faster again.

Wth is happening to me?

I closed my eyes taking a courage to ask him why.

"Why do you need me then?" He didn't answer instead, he looked away.

Guess i won't get any answers for that.

"If you gain your energy again, I'll train your ability" he said and went out.

F*ck that ability


I sighed and decided to finally get up after resting for a few hours. I saw bandages all over my wrist like the devil and it isn't a great idea.

There was a food beside my bed, usually if he leaves food in there I wouldn't eat it if I don't want to but since I lost a lot of my energy tonight and I was really hungry, I started attacking my foods.

As I was done, I went to the bathroom and got impressed to see no witnesses of my suicidal. It was all cleaned up. I shook the thought off and proceed to my business.

I took a quick bath and fix myself. I brush my teeth and comb my hair which is unusual to me ever since I was trapped here. The bruise on my left cheek where Dazai slapped me was visible. It was stealing attraction.

I changed my clothes and check myself on the mirror. I look greater than before, I don't usually do things like this because I didn't want to be comfortable here.

My strength and energy was back. I could feel it through my veins like I was ready to go for another argument with Dazai.

I walk out of the room and there was the devil sitting on the couch, playing with his phone.

"So you want to do the training today" I was surprised when he said that, he didn't even see me.

"If you want to" he looked up at me and got back to his phone.

"Ok then, I'll just finish my game" he said. Now he's acting as if nothing happen between us earlier. Well that's what he is, actually.

When he's done, we went up to the rooftop because he said so. I felt the cold breeze went pass by me and it was refreshing.

Finally... I felt the air again.

"Ok, let's start" he said standing infront of me. "Close your eyes and said Ability: Reflekta, sharp edges" i followed what he said and close my eyes.

Devilish Charm- Dazai x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now