Chapter 3- Beautiful devil

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•°—he's literally devil, a beautiful devil—°•

📣: ⚠this chapter includes suicidal acts please read at your own risk thank you!⚠

Yuri P.O.V.

And then that's what happened 5 months ago. Currently in the Present time, I was once again locked up in Dazai's precious house. I was actually surprised when I've managed to open my eyes after the incident in the port mafia. This real life mummy kept me alive and didn't do what he's supposed to.

If you think everything is alright, you're wrong, sadly mistaken. Because just like how those monster treated me like an animal, Dazai isn't far from them. He hurts me just exactly the same how my parents does. Every move that I make is like another mistake for him and it's very sickening. Enduring the pain, being scared all the time, and not even being able to to fight for myself. I am so done living my whole life like that.

I was trapped once again, trapped in hell. There's no place to escape, no way to get away, no freedom to be felt. I've never been freed since my entire life, I was always tied down to misery and torment.

I huffed a sigh after my new wound stung me. I was sitting on my bed, curling up and hugging my knees all together. I felt so lonely and scared but it was always like that, nothing's new yet I'm still not used to it.

I lean my head on the head board as my gaze was fixated up on the ceiling. There was a small window above and like I always do, I stared at the loving view to have a rest.

The stars and moon was already set, I've managed to express a smile over the beautiful sky. I closed my eyes just as those tons of questions rain on my mind but the most important question is that,

Why did Dazai not kill me?

I heard the door opened which there's only one person that can do that, Dazai.

"my, my, isn't this a new beginning? I expected you to be crying and begging me to let you go, but today's different. What happened?" that irritating voice rang all over the place. I didn't want to speak but my hatred for him only grew more.

"I'm already tired crying and begging because you will not do it anyway" I said and keep my eyes close.

"Finally, after 5 months you finally realized!" he chuckled as i only sighed.

I didn't answer as the atmosphere become quiet. I thought he isn't there anymore but when I opened my eyes he was still there standing tall in front of me. I sighed again and sat properly but avoided his gaze after.

"why don't you just kill me? That's what you wanted anyway. Why bother to keep me alive?" I said not turning to him. "I'm already tired... So tired." I whispered almost cry again.

"You're asking, why I'm still keeping you alive?" I didn't respond, I kept quiet. Of course that's what I wanted to know.

I heard him walked closer to me and bent over in front of me. He was staring at my soul I could feel that, I wanted to move but I couldn't. I was lost in his eyes, in his lovely sparkling Hazel eyes.

He inch his face towards mine and my breath almost stop. I could hear my heart beating so fast as he lean more closer.

Fawk is he trying to kiss me?

I gulped and it made him stopped. Now we were just few inches away from each other as we can feel our breaths went pass by. He reached out his hand only to hold my left cheek. It made me flinch when his tips touched my skin.

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