Chapter 17- D-day

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•°—the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect.—°•

After that small interaction with the h/c haired girl and the workers of the agency, she started going to the building much more frequently and became a regular customer in the Uzamaki café. Years have passed, they have been liking her and inviting her over in their free time while Dazai would just let her because of his own advantages also.

He gets the chance to be with her for more time, hang out with her and work their relationship more. Although her welfare got more riskier than before because of getting involved with the ADA in some way, Dazai couldn’t care less.

He’s finally there with her again, he would fight off everyone who’ll try to go in her way and protect her at any cost just to keep her from getting abducted again.

Currently, the couple was getting ready to go out. As the e/c eyed girl brushes her hair through, her head keeps looking back and forth to her mirror and to her boyfriend. Dazai felt it and decided to meet her gaze which surprised the girl seeing him already standing in front of her.

“Am I that handsome, Y/n?” he teased whilst y/n immediately turned red.

“Well yeah..” she confessed, making the man flustered.

“T-thanks..” he said and scratched his nape. “But I know that, that is not the reason why you keep looking at me back and forth.” the girl stiffened on her own and looked at him a bit startled. “Don’t look at me as if you don’t know the reason.”

She immediately snapped back as she was enlightened by his answer. She thought he realised what she was thinking about but it seems like he didn’t.

“I’m just checking if you’re gonna call the agency, are you not?”

“Hm? Why would i?”

“Isn't today supposed to be your workday? I heard yesterday from Atsushi that you have a new mission, are you sure it’s okay for you to take a leave?” she said referring to the newest member of the organisation.

“Ah.. I already talked to them, it seems like it’s not really necessary for me to be there anyway and they understand it I guess.”

“Are you sure you didn’t force them to let you go?” she said teasingly. The man frowned at his girlfriend and pouted.

“Did you really think of me as a guy like that y/n?” Y/n shrugged her shoulders and turned her sight away from him.

The man stared at her girlfriend with disbelief written all over his face. He decided to get a payback and pulled the girl in his arms down to the bed. The h/c was speechless at first but then he started tickling her to death. She burst out laughing and tried to push him off her but the hazel haired doesn’t seem satisfied yet and didn’t think of stopping.

“How could you y/n huh, take that back or else I won’t stop.” he mocked.

“NOO! N-NO I WON’T– HAHAHAHAHA SAMU STOOPPP!! HAHAHAHAHAHA” she said as she ran out of breath.

“Ah no, okay!” He lifted her shirt a bit exposing her belly and caressed her most sensitive ticklish part.

“W-what are you doing?” she whined before recovering from the tickles, getting flustered because of his touch. It didn’t even come to her as a tickle but as a gentle touch.

Dazai stopped when he saw the face of the girl in red. She looks so adorable in his perspective and he can’t help but to stare at her face.

“You look cute.” he remarked, making her flustered even more. He kept on staring at her and got a bit out of the world so she found an opening for her to escape from him. She grabbed a pillow nearby and hit it on his face.

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