Chapter 10- Freedom

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•°-"you are free here with me, Yuri" -°•

"let go of her." That voice laced with hatred and threat did not faze the orange haired man while the girl was the opposite of him, she was left nailed on her spot unexpectedly seeing the man who was just staring at her with that dark cold gaze.

"who are you to mind my business?" Chuuya quickly retorted to his so-called partner.

"let go." Dazai once again said and didn't leave his gaze from Yuri. The other man finally lost his hold to his beloved friend and faced the Hazel haired man.

"get lost." he fought back. Yuri could only lower her head not wanting to look up at the man.

"have you forgotten what you said yesterday?" the dark haired man said to the girl but Chuuya thought he was talking to him.

"what the heck are you talking about?"

"why can't you look at me, Yuri?" the orange haired man confusedly looked at the man, realizing that he knew his best friend.

"Yuri?" he turned to his best friend who was terrified to look up.

"so?" Dazai tries to push Yuri on the edge. The other man noticed the panic of his best friend so he quickly stood in front of her shielding himself for her friend.

"oi you moron leave her alone." he growled and glared at the other man.

"Do you really want someone dear to you to get hurt?" the man in the coat threatened.

Yuri gulped the lump in her throat. She knows what he's capable of doing and she doesn't want Chuuya to be involved in her cruel situation. She will never forgive herself if something bad ever happened to her best friend because of her.

She slowly loses her hold onto her friend's shirt. She knew that her best friend was confused and she felt so bad for always leaving him alone in that way.

"Hurry up before I change my mind". The man said, rushing her.

The girl couldn't move, she didn't want to lose her chance again but she has no choice left. Her tears were brimming on the corner of her eyes again and she was doing her best not to let it fall.

She took a step but before she could continue her best friend talked.

"Don't move. I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but I won't lose you again. Yuri." His words feel so good in her heart. It's like a warmth that melts her feelings.

She looked up at him and the tears that she was resisting, fell on their own.

"Chuuya..." she whispered.

The hazel brown haired man's feelings were about to explode. He couldn't understand why and what was it but he wanted to crush that feeling by letting it out.

"Leave, before I crush you" the orange haired man said to the other man. He pull the wrist of his best friend and walks away from there.

"Is he really the one you are going to choose?" the dark haired man said.

The two got stopped on their tracks but the girl feels somehow guilty. The way that the man spit those words feels different to her.

As Chuuya loses his patience, he drops Yuri's hand and walks back to the man with bandages.

"I told you to leave." he said and punched Dazai real hard.

"Chuuya!" the girl shouted.

The Hazel brown haired man fell on the ground and wipe the blood on his lips. He looked up to the man who was standing tall in front of him as it gave him a swift kick on his face again.

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