Chapter 12- Beautiful And Evil (1/2)

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•°-"everyone is capable of being beautiful and evil at the same time, especially him."-°•

Chuuya rushed to the place where he and Yuri lived temporarily and got disappointed immediately after seeing no silhouette of his friend. He was so mad for letting it happen again, neglecting her and losing her. He doesn't even know if he will ever get to meet her again. He cared for her so much since she's the only person he has right now.

The man lowered his head and grabbed his own hair frustratingly. Before he sat down on the couch, he heard a car engine starting from outside. He walked towards the window where the view is at the back of the hotel and found his loving friend inside the car with Dazai, the man that he hated the most.

He just helplessly stared at the moving vehicle without even trying to stop them as he realizes that he's probably just pushing himself between the two of them. Maybe he was being selfish because of his reason or maybe he just really wanted Yuri for himself. He doesn't know whether he's doing the right thing or not, but what he's thinking of is, what if that thought in his mind was the one that really happened? He doesn't know how he would handle that or how he would tell her about it so he only wishes for the best.

When the orange haired man finally got a hold on himself, he slumped his body on the couch and tried to clear his mind, making him lose his interest of what's around him, like the letter on the table beside him, maybe he'll see that sooner or probably never.


Time flies by so fast. It's already been five weeks since Yuri was back to the place she never knew she'd be coming back to. She thought she would regret what she chose to do but actually she didn't. Everything was very different from before, really different. Dazai surprisingly changed, he never dared to lay a hand on her, he never locked her to the house like before, he was pretty affectionate. Not in a skinship way but in the way that every girl would dream of having the perfect man.

It was giving Yuri conflicting feelings, she doesn't know if he's being genuine with his gesture or not, so she's still being careful with herself not to fall for the man any deeper.

Yuri walked downstairs and met the hazel haired sitting on the couch. It wasn't the weekend yet but he didn't go to work today. The man lifts his gaze on the girl, turning all his attention to her.

"Morning." he simply said.

"Morning..." she said back.

"I wanted to bring you somewhere, is it okay?" he asked her. The girl stared at him unbelievably after hearing those unexpected words from him. "Is it okay?" he repeated, bringing the girl back to her senses. She slowly nodded as he did the same.

"yeah... okay"

"Then be ready later, let's leave after lunch." The girl nodded again then continued her business afterwards.

It's always been like that since she came back. Small talks, simple sweet gestures, then silence with the comfort of each other. Even though it confuses her, she still appreciates his actions. It feels like he changed for her but she doesn't want to think of it like that or assume anything, there's no good reason for that to happen except for the fact that he told her that he needed her. He probably did mean it, probably...

The time for them to leave finally happened. They both went inside the car and drove away. It was really far from their home, it took them almost five hours to reach the place and all that Yuri did was to sleep the whole ride, the man didn't even think of waking her up, he actually preferred that than holding an awkward atmosphere.

Dazai was busy driving when his eyes suddenly brought him to the sleeping figure of the girl beside him. The features of his beloved appeared on her again and he can't help but to stare at her reminiscing their memories and time together. God how he misses her so much, how he loved her so much, he doesn't know how he managed to be away from her when he can't even stop reminiscing about her.

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