Chapter 19- Their history

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•°-There shouldn't be any reason to be jealous but the history that the two have had before while she was gone makes her emotions valid. -°•

The h/c girl moved her gaze to the other girl with shockness and surprise while Yuri didn't leave her stare to Y/n, no expression nor feelings can be read on her face, just a straight look piercing the girl.

No one dared to break the contact, it was like a competition between the two, whoever broke it first will be the weakest one. Of course neither of them wanted to lose and they were both competitive but when Dazai let a word escape, the two lost the tension and both got back on their consciousness.

"Y/n it's already late, why did you go here?" Dazai said. Yuri shook the grasp of the man and left the place. The hazel haired wasn't done with her yet but just decided to let her be.

"Is that... her?" y/n started and avoided the man's gaze. "She's Yuri right? The one that you've been with when I was gone."


"But you told me she already died, were you lying to me?"

"No, I didn't lie to you because that's what I really saw myself, she really burned to death and I don't understand how she's back here unscathed."

"But that's impossible.." the h/c murmured in her breath.

"I know that's what I'm trying to figure out too." he took her hand and made the girl look at him. "I'm sorry you're just now figuring this out, it was really sudden and please don't misinterpret my actions to her. I'm trying to investigate without drawing too much attention so I hope for the meantime please try to understand me y/n." the girl dropped her shoulders and cupped her boyfriend's face.

"You don't need to say that, I totally understand." she said, reassuring her couple. "If you need anything, I'm just a call away honey." The hazel haired couldn't help but to smile and feel flustered. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I knew you'd say that." the two giggled at themselves. The man was about to remove his hold on her but she yanked his body to hers and gave him a warm hug.

"Promise that you won't leave me Osamu..." she whispered with her eyes closed. She knows her boyfriend and that he wouldn't leave her for someone else but at some point she felt bothered.

Dazai was caught off guard with her statement but returned her hug more tightly.

"I won't leave you for anyone else, my love." he whispered back and pressed a kiss to her head. "Rest assured." he smiled so genuinely that it made her heart flutter. She smiled back and gave him a small kiss on his cheek.

"I trust you."

"That's good to hear. Now, let's go to the others."

☁︎ • . * ☾︎ * . • ☁︎

Yuri sat on one of the tables at the cafeteria below the agency. A sudden feeling of exhaust rushed through her body for no good reason. Feeling helpless, she just leaned on her seat and closed her eyes, hoping that it'll go away. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves but an unexpected presence bothered her.

Being on her guard, she immediately snapped her eyes open and found the famous doctor of the agency sitting across from her.

"You're new, I never heard anything about you."

"I'd like to respect you and clear your thoughts about me but I don't disclose any information about me or my organization, especially to an enemy. My apologies." she bent her head low a little and panned her gaze outside the big window.

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