Chapter 13- Beautiful And Evil (2/2)

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•°-"everyone is capable of being beautiful and evil at the same time, especially him."-°•

Their lives go on and continue into being normal people from being total strangers. It was a strange process of them meeting each other and going to a relationship as if no tragic affair happened to them. They can't exactly describe their relationship whether they're dating or just strangers with benefits, but the relationship that they have now is nothing to compare from before.

They surely understand each other's feelings very well, nobody could hide anything because of having mutual desire. They are pretty much open to read on and it is very clear that they have the same feeling of love for each other.

The girl groaned as she got back to consciousness from her long nap. She was about to start her day when she got locked in her place as the arm around her waist tightened. She swiftly turned her head only to be met by the sleeping figure of Dazai. She doesn't remember anything about him sleeping with her last night so he probably snuck out and joined her while she's asleep.

She suddenly lost the urge to leave and thought of just staying still for a while. She just stared at him trying to picture the moment and save it to her memory. His familiar company feels so warm close to her, it used to be so alone even when he's around but now feels different.

"How amusing, I fell in love with my kidnapper. I wonder how dense I could get." she whispered. A rush of thoughts and overthinking came to her head, it was so annoying to the point that she just gave up. "He's probably using me, but then... be it."

"You really gonna keep yourself getting used even though you already knew that you're being used, huh?" Dazai suddenly spoke and opened his eyes. He was awake all along.

"Eavesdropper," she muttered and turned away.

"Will you really gonna let yourself be used?" he inches closer to her. She looked back to him and looked straight at his eyes. "What if I told you that I am using you?"

"Then be it." the guy blinked as if he couldn't believe what she just said. "If you're really using me, then use me. I just said it earlier."

"You're so screwed up."

"Yeah,-- no, It's because you're a devil. You're a big devil who keeps deceiving me and here I am being deceived and even liking you for doing so."

"You must be so stupid for me then,"

"I hope it's not that bad." she whispered which he didn't catch.

"You're gonna regret that, I'm pretty certain."

"Why, because it could be true that you are using me?" she said with a small sly smirk. The man remained with a serious face which made the girl panic. "Is it really true?"

"Who knows? It's obviously not you." he said and got up while Yuri remained shocked. "stop thinking about it too much will you? whether it's really true or not, you already said you're gonna keep yourself being used." the girl retrieved her expression to her normal one from being disturbed.

"Well... that can't be helped anymore." she stated and also got up.

Earlier that day, After Dazai got home from work earlier, he decided to take the girl out for a late night drive. There's no certain reason why he thought of that, he just suddenly wanted to spend some quality time with the girl.

The fresh breeze of the night felt so great as it touched Yuri's skin. Days went by and they were much closer than ever. They got more attached to each other as their feelings got more deeper.

Yuri yawned and leaned on the car seat after getting tired from viewing every view that they passed by.

"Tired?" the man asked. The girl hummed for response as she closed her eyes. "Great then,"

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