Chapter 18- Glimpse of the past

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•°-His head started reminiscing a glimpse of the past bitterly as he gazed upon her.-°•

A/n: a quick thank u for all of my supporters who's been very patient waiting for an update while here's ur author-chan being a lazy ass, i sincerely apologize. this chap will be a bit longer than the usual chaps bcoz i got too carried away, but anyway pls enjoy and have more patience w/ me~ thank uuu

The hazel haired dropped his body to their office's couch. His mind still couldn't comprehend a thing and he couldn't leave the thought of seeing Yuri helping Akutagawa that day- out of his head. It's been days and new issues have been raised yet he can't find himself shaking the thought off.

There's no way she could still be alive, she burned to death in front of him. He witnessed everything and for sure he didn't miss anything that time. But why was she there? Standing right in front of him alive and kicking. Why couldn't she recognise him? Could she be pretending not to remember him? Is she now part of the mafia? That would be the worst.

Lots of questions were left unanswered. He wanted to investigate himself, he wanted to answer his questions but it feels like he'll be just doing it for nothing. So what if all that he suspects were true? What is he going to do? He already has someone else. Why would he need to mind other people's business? That is what's stopping him.

"Dazai-san, aren't you going?" the orange haired younger asked.


"We're going to meet up with the boss of the Port mafia, right?"

"Oh yeah.. I've completely forgotten."

"Do you think It'll work out?"

"That's what we're going to find out." he said and lifted his body off the soft mattress.

"You're going to retrieve Q right?"

"I really don't want to, but It's the President's order," he said.

"Are you sure you don't need anyone to go with you?" Tanizaki continued asking.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be alright. Surely I'll have company later." he stretched his body and the younger one just watched him.

"Of course you'll do fine," he said and smiled. "Shall we go now? It's about time.." the both agreed to go together to the so-called meeting and meet their guest.

☁︎ • . * ☾︎ * . • ☁︎

The hazel haired tried to move his injured arm that was caused by the accident he had with Ango. He took an exhausted sigh before finally starting his work.

The sun was half down and the surroundings were starting to get dark.He reached the place and stared at it with lack of interest. As he expected, there were tons of armed men and two members of the guild welcomed him at the place. He felt more idleness rushed to his body knowing that he will need to take them all down first before getting to his work straight away.

He faced his enemies and later on, a presence was felt arriving in the scene. They all turned their heads and found the famous ability user, gravity manipulator- Nakahara Chuuya.

He started the lead and attacked the lovecraft as it flew from far from the place. The man in the hat remained standing unfazed while the alien-like ability user was pinned down on the ground with the help of the ability of gravity manipulation.

"Let me set one thing straight," Chuuya started. "Once I'm done taking out the trash, you're next." he explained.

"I never heard anything about this surprise attack in the strategic forecasts," the remaining guild member said and activated his ability but failed to do so because of Dazai.

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