Chapter 22- Battle for the truth (2/2)

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•°—"If you win, you get to live. But If you lose, you die and so is your lie."—°•

A woman was silently sitting on her usual throne. Staring at the great view that her office has bestowed to her. She could see the sun gracefully setting, the sky slowly turning warm and orange, and the park that is slowly gaining back its placidity— the scenery was awfully peaceful at that moment.

Nevertheless, in the serene atmosphere, she knew that there was a conflict happening somewhere nearby. The two main organizations in Yokohama and the other foreign one were having their own dispute as she expected.

Although she could’ve helped her group take down the enemy, she chose not to stick her nose in the issue and just watch everything happen. She didn’t care so much as she already knew what’s about to come. In her throne she's like a king observing the show she has directed while the pawns continue to act to keep her entertained.

Her boss could be scolding her right now seeing that she’s the only one who hasn’t gone out to help stop the enemy ruining the peace of their beloved city, but he knew that she’s an important piece who shouldn’t be showing up anywhere so casually. She is their ace, someone who should only be appearing in desperate times. He trusts her and her usefulness, he must hide her away and keep her out of others interest or else he’ll lose a valuable ally, and with that he lets her do whatever she wants.

The sound of crashing ruined her alone time. She immediately snapped her head towards it with an annoyed look on her face.

As soon as her gaze landed upon it, her intimidating look made them avoid her gaze. Her expression soon turned into a confused one.

“We got her m-ma’am.” the commander said while he threw a girl on the ground, ties all over her body.

The so-called ma’am remained her brows knitted, finally urging herself to stand up. She walked closer to the helpless one and observed its face. When she recognized who it was, the crease on her forehead faded. She then avert her gaze to her men, as superiority screams in her aura.

“Who gave you the command to do this?” her voice was awfully low and gritty. It was like she’s spatting poisonous words from her mouth.

“I-it was you madam…” the commander lowered his head to give respect to his superior.

“I don’t remember ordering you to do this.”

“Our apologies madam, but.. we can assure you that it is your voice.” The woman slowly squinted her eyes after hearing the man’s statement. He noticed his boss’s confusion and immediately explained himself. “You.. gave us a call yesterday ma’am about abducting a girl named Y/n…” while he continued spousing words about it, it still doesn’t seem to ring a bell in the girl’s mind. But after pondering for a bit, she finally came to realization.

She cut her gaze from her men and looked back at the girl on the ground, who was currently watching them exchanging conversation.

“Enough, you can leave now.”

“I apologize again madam—” it only took one look from the woman for him to stop and quickly leave the place.

When her men were all out of the place. She gently closed the door and turned to look at her.

“You can drop the act now.” the woman with dark locks spoke as she directed her sight to Y/n.

“Act?” she asked defensively. “You’re the one who took me here and you dare to accuse me of acting out?” she gritted her teeth, biting the words that might provoke the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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