Chapter 16- Farewells And Goodbyes

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•°—Nevertheless, he would still say his unofficial farewells and goodbyes to her,—°•

The hazel haired man slumped his body on the couch and put his headphones on while his head was nodding in the beat. His eyes closed just as a sudden memory played on his mind.

A figure of a small petite girl lying on the ground while sobbing her eyes out. She looked so weak, her skin was as pale as a chalk, her eyes were swollen from all the crying that she’s done, and her lips that were dry and cracked.

She was whispering something, something that he couldn’t recall but he could tell that she was begging. She was begging for her life as she was tired of all the torture she faced.

“Don’t do this please…. Please..” she whispered which he finally remembered.

He immediately snapped out of it when it suddenly felt heavy on his chest. He couldn’t recognize her, for sure it wasn’t y/n. It doesn’t feel like her, something about y/n was different from that person.

“I hate you.” the words rang to his head as he found it difficult to hear. “I hate you so much.”

He sat up and tried to shake it off. He couldn’t stand hearing it or even remembering it, it was new to him to feel somehow guilty and he doesn’t know why he felt that way to her, only her. He doesn’t even have something special for her, for all he knows is that she’s only somebody for him to use.

The man shook his head a little and took his mind to different thoughts. He buried it deep in his head where he would never be able to think of it again. He didn’t want that anymore now that he got what he wanted, it will be all just a part of his past that he will never ever return to.

The hazel haired closed his eyes once again and positioned himself in a comfortable position just as someone suddenly pulled his headphones off of his ears.

“Oi Dazai, we have something new to do. Get your ass up and let’s start going.” said the guy standing tall in front of him.

“Eh? But I’m already doing something also. For sure you can do it yourself because you're an amazing man, Kunikida-kun!” he said and gave the other guy a double thumbs up from him. Dazai then received a whack on his head from the blond as he immediately caressed his head.

“The president ordered this specially for us. If you hadn’t skipped the meeting earlier then you shouldn’t have done what you’re saying you’re doing right now.” he scolds whilst folding his arms. “Ranpo-san said the port mafia is about to plot something near the harbour, thankfully there’s not too many civilians around the place so no innocent life is in threat.”

“Then why do we have to go? Does this concern us?”

“Not directly but we need to collect information from them, apparently there was a girl hostage that the mafia wanted to take in and we had to be the first to rescue her before them. But what confused me is that the president and Ranpo-san didn’t want to tell us why we should rescue her and why we should not make the mafia notice us.”

“Maybe it’s important?”

“Well, that’s for us to figure out. Get your ass up now.”

☁︎ • . * ☾︎ * . • ☁︎

The girl stood still in front of the orange haired man still in shock and amusement but it didn’t last long when someone suddenly pulled her away much to her dismay.

“Chuuya!” she said again as she reached her hand out to him however they were already pulled away from each other.

Fyodor was pulling her back inside the building while Nikolai was pulling Chuuya the other way. Before they were completely separated, she saw her best friend fight the white haired man but the other guy fought back.

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