Chapter 7- Regret

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•°—Am I regretting what I did to her?°•

3rd person P.O.V

It seems like the man's patience was strained. His dark brown glaring eyes lose their bright and changes into an emotionless orbs. His reflexes automatically pulled her arm vigorously close to him like someone else was controlling him. The tight grip of Dazai on the girl's cut that isn't fully healed yet, brought a big pain to her as she yelped. 

He was back in his uncontrollable state. The demon inside him came back active as he gave the woman another one big slap.

Yuri could barely think. She was sobbing her tears out. She wanted to fight back and use her ability but surely she won't have the chance to win. The fear of the girl throb on her heart more as she saw the devil stood before her.

He was holding her wrists tightly as he could, he knew that it was bleeding again but he doesn't care. There was a part inside of him that doesn't feel satisfied seeing the girl cry but more part of him feel pleased to see her hurt.

"s-stop it please..."

Yuri cried out loud and it was like the magic spell to break the devil inside of the man. Her loud wail made him loosen the grip of her wrist and the dark and gloomy look on his eyes were back to its normal Hazel color.

His hand was shaking and it looks like he couldn't belive what just happened. He turn his head to the girl with him and saw her all in a mess.

When she felt his gaze, she quickly stood up and use that chance to ran back to her room. She doesn't want to see her pathetically crying again. She thought everything will be fine ever since they started again but how foolish of her to thought of that.

As Yuri ran away, the young man sighed and exhaustedly sat on the couch. His gaze pierced to his phone and there was something inside him wishing that he was wrong about Yuri, hoping that she wouldn't do what he thought she could've done. He picked up the phone and got disappointed to see the phone call still on line.

He hung up the call and lean on the couch. He closed his eyes for a moment trying to release his stress. It may sound like an excuse but he wasn't really mad at Yuri, he was actually mad about what he heard earlier.

His men called before he got back to his house and gave him a bad news. His personnel wasn't able to know the certain person who attacked them in their old house. They said they tried to charge them but instead they were attacked instead and half of his men were injured, worse dead.

He wasn't expecting that and it made him mad crazy, he was just trying to take it all in but when he got home and saw the girl, it added fuel to his fire and made him go rampage.

Dazai groaned in irritation as he remembered the news he got but it made him more annoyed to remember the wail of the girl earlier. He almost cursed himself for thinking that he was regretting what he did but he denied. He surely doesn't like Yuri but he felt something weird for her.

He almost threw the pillow off the couch as he weirded himself. He unconsciously picked up his phone and dialled his friend number. He didn't know what he was doing, he was surprised to see himself calling her friend doctor.


Someone knocked on the girl's door. She didn't bother to open it cause she knew that it was Dazai. She hugged her legs more and buried her face over it. The door opened but she didn't look up.

"You must be Yuri" the unfamiliar voice made Yuri looked up. She was surprised to see a girl in front of her door. "I'm the friend doctor of Dazai-kun, I heard you're wrist is bleeding again." she said

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