Chapter 13

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Danny's POV
It was heartbreaking seeing my favorite girl not feeling well especially because I can feel how weak she is. But I'm more than happy to rub her tummy to ease the pain. "How's that feel?" I asked as Rylee looked at me with sad eyes and a weak smile. "A little bit better." She then placed her hand on top of mine. "Your hands are so big yet they're so gentle. It's one of the many things I love about you." I smiled in response as I grabbed her hand which is very cold and clammy but still gave it a kiss. "A lot of people tell me that and it's very true. And they're also perfect for keeping your little hands warm. People assume that all ghosts are cold and will send a chill up your spine when you're near one but people tell me I have a very warm touch." I said. "Well, when I met you, I actually felt chills up my spine but I think it was because I was both nervous and excited to meet you." Said Rylee. "That happens to a lot of people. It happened to me a bunch of times. I felt chills when I first laid my eyes on you." That's when I heard a giggle come from Rylee. I then rubbed her tummy again and gave her a little poke at her bellybutton. "Your bellybutton is so cute." I tickled her gently causing her to giggle again. "I'm really am grateful you decided to take care of me." Said Rylee. "I couldn't let my favorite girl suffer in pain." I leaned in to kiss her forehead. "And I'm always happy to help. Why don't you scoot on over?"

Rylee's POV
I scoot over a little so Danny can lay down next to me. Even when he's laying next to me I still felt very small but I didn't mind due to how gentle he is. "I'm not going to die, am I?" I asked feeling worried. "No. You're still very much alive. Plus, my ghost sense can sense whether your soul is slipping away or not and your soul is still very much inside of you." I smiled very weakly. "This happened to me last week. I was very sick but I got better after two days." I listened to Danny as I felt like falling asleep. "Do you need to take a nap, sweetie?" Asked Danny as I nodded. "Ok. I can sing you a song to help you sleep." That's when Danny began to sing.

Going out tonight
Changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kinda dress
Everything she's never had
She's showing off

Driving too fast
Moon is breaking through her hair
She's heading for something that she won't forget
Having no regrets is all that she really wants

We're only getting older baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you

I fell asleep to the sound of Danny's singing as he held me against his chest keeping me warm. He literally had the most beautiful singing voice I've heard. So beautiful that I almost teared up. But I ended up in a deep sleep knowing Danny will keep me safe in his arms.

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