Chapter 20

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Danny's POV
I woke up the next morning to see Rylee was still asleep on my chest. It's become my favorite things to wake up to. The sight of her snuggling on my chest puts a smile on my face. I kissed the top of her head because I couldn't resist how cute she is. Then again, I can never resist her. She then finally woke up. "Morning, sweetie pie. Did you sleep well?" I asked stroking her hair. "I slept like a little baby." I pinched her cheek. "That's because you're my little baby." She giggled as I pulled her in to kiss her on the cheek. "Let's go make breakfast." I carefully helped Rylee out of bed just in case if she was still weak from yesterday. "You feeling any better today?" I asked. "A lot better. Thanks to you." Said Rylee. "I'm always here to help." I gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head. We then got downstairs and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. We made pretty much the same thing we had yesterday morning but we put blueberries in the oatmeal this time. After we ate and had coffee, we decided to have a little talk. "So, you excited for the party tonight?" I asked. "I am but I'm a little nervous because I haven't been around a lot of people in a while." Said Rylee. "Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a small party and some of our friends from high school are going and my sister will be there as well." I gently took her hand. "And I will be there the whole time. Plus I finally get to hear you sing." I then saw her blush really hard as her cheeks were bright red. "Rylee, it's ok. You're gonna be great. I bet you have a beautiful voice." We both stood up and we gave each other a hug. 

Rylee's POV

My heart started beating really fast as I'm about to sing in front of Danny for the first time. I haven't been this nervous in so long. "I've never sang in front of you. What if I mess up?" I said slowly letting go of Danny as he cups my face. "I wouldn't worry about that too much. My friends and I will be watching and I promise none of us will judge you." I took his word for it and gave him another hug. "I'm gonna be singing a song just for you. I won't which one because I wanna surprise you." My heart began to flutter as Danny told me he was gonna sing to me. I could hardly wait to see what song he's gonna be singing. fast forward a few hours and Danny and I were getting ready for the party. I was over at my place putting on a black long sleeve laced crop top, a black ruffled mini skirt, black and red striped tights, and black vans. I also put on some heavy black eyeliner, mascara, some red lipstick, and straightened my hair. By the time I was done, I heard the doorbell ring. I went downstairs to open the door to see Danny in a red button up shirt, a black blazer, black jeans, and black boots which made him slightly taller. "Rylee, you look adorable." I began to blush. "Thanks. So do you." I said as Danny escorted me to his car and drove off to Sam's house. Once we got to her house, Danny came over to open the passenger door to let me out like the gentleman that he is, held my hand as we went up to the front door, and rang the doorbell. Sam answered the door. "Hey, you guys made it." Sam hugged us. "Come on in. Everyone is in the basement." I was surprised at how big Sam's house was when we got downstairs. I had no idea she was rich as I noticed she had her own bowling alley. Her basement was basically a huge lounge. I lose my train of thought when everyone came to say hi to Danny. 

Danny's POV

I was so excited to see my old classmates as they all came over to say hi to me. My classmates included Tucker, Dash, Kwan, Star, Valerie, Paulina, Mikey, Lester, my older sister Jazz, and my younger sister Danielle or Dani for short. "It so good to see all of you." Valerie then came up to hug me along with Star. "It good to see you too, Danny. It's been so long." Said Valerie. "Yeah. How've you been?" Asked Star. "I've been doing great. Still trying to keep the town safe from ghosts. But so far things have been pretty chill." That's when Jazz and Dani came over. "So, where's this new girlfriend of yours?" Asked Jazz. "She's right here." I said as I put my arm around Rylee. "Everyone, I'd like to meet my girlfriend and next-door neighbor, Rylee." I said introducing Rylee to everyone as Jazz went up to her. "Oh my goodness, Rylee. It's so nice to finally meet you. Danny's told me so many wonderful things about you." Said Jazz shaking Rylee's hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Jazz. And you must be Danielle or Dani. What do you prefer?" Asked Rylee. "I'm fine with either. You're so beautiful." Dani wasn't that much taller than Rylee but you could still notice a height difference. Dani was about 5'2 or 5'3. "Thanks, Dani. So are you" Rylee hugged both of my sisters which made me so happy. "Danny, you weren't kidding when you told us she was tiny." Said Jazz as I hugged Rylee from behind. "I'm basically her gentle giant and I absolutely love how small she is. And the fact that she decided to wear vans instead of heels just makes her even cuter." Rylee chuckled in response. "She's such a little cutie." Said Jazz. We all went upstairs to have dinner. Sam had a bunch of food set up for all of us. It was all vegan stuff, but nobody seemed to mind that especially Tucker. "Everything looks great, Sam. You really outdone yourself." Said Tucker grabbing a plate. "Thanks, Tucker. I know you're more of a meat eater. but I really hope you like this lasagna recipe. It's my number one thing to make for parties." Sam gave a piece of lasagna to Tucker. "Hey, lasagna is always good." Said Tucker as everyone in line got their lasagna with a little side salad and sat at the dining table. We also had our choice of beverage. Some had coke, lemonade, orange juice, just a huge variety. Jazz and sat next to Rylee while we ate dinner.

Rylee's POV

I'm so happy I finally met Danny's classmates and sisters. They were all so nice and welcoming especially Jazz, Danny's older sister. Jazz is so sweet and supportive which was easy for me to warm up to her. Dani was very much the same way. So far, the Fentons were very warm and kind hearted people. They're also very tall except Dani. Jazz had to be 6' which makes me wonder how tall his parents are. I also remember Danny telling me about Danielle being a clone made by Vlad but Vlad betrayed her so the Fentons adopted her as their own. I lost my train of thought when Jazz pulled up a conversation with me. "So, Rylee, what made you wanna move to Amity Park?" I took a deep breath and told her everything about how I felt unwanted in I hometown. "You poor thing. I don't understand how anyone can be so mean to someone who has such a big heart. No one deserves to be taken advantage of like that." Said Jazz. "That is true. I remember Dash, Kwan, Star, and I were so mean to everyone that weren't as rich as we were and we realized that was wrong when one girl was crying everyday because of how we treated her. That was when Kwan finally told all of us off when we got suspended for two weeks." Said Paulina. "I just got tired of us treating people poorly just for being less popular than us. Especially because don't know what they're going through at home. We even pushed Valerie away after she lost a lot of money which is something we regretted most." Said Kwan. "It's all good guys. I'm just happy you all came to your senses." Said Valerie. "Us too." Said Mikey and Lester. "You see that, Rylee? You surrounded by wonderful people who saw the error in their ways. You already saw that with Dash." Said Danny. "If anyone tries to hurt you, we got your back." Said Dash. We then all went downstairs after dinner to go start the karaoke session.

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