Chuuya X Dazai's sister

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One of my pending request before, I already forgot who requested this

but here it is sorry again for taking too long TAT

Chuuya X Dazai's sister

" have you heard there is a female recruit from batch 55, there are really low chances of woman getting in" one of the member of the port mafia talk about as they walk in groups. Chuuya was leading the mission group and so he heard such words, it was true the training and the things the members of the port mafia was not an easy path and to know that there is a woman who manages to get in is already a very rare case.

"Apparently it was said that she was related to one of the executives? Could that be the reason why she got in?" one of the males speak again, Chuuya was growing irritated by the gossiping and with that he decided to make them run 50 laps in the training ground " 50 laps now" the unison of disagreement follows but never the less they obey him.

" chuuya" one of the secondary leader called the male out " we are going to the opening ceremony of the new recruit come it us" with that he huff in annoyance as she took his coat and cloak with him, following behind the other males who was leading the group. The small group arrived in the ceremony hall, there stood almost 200 new recruit member of the port mafia and among them was a very striking feature woman in front.

" that's the girl" one of the leader spoke, Chuuya eyed her in a short while something about her made her appearance him interested with her. After the ceremony the group of recruit slowly disappears to mingle with one another, Chuuya was looking for an specific person, but given that she was shorter than the rest of the people there made the process a lot more harder.

" damn it where is that woman" he spoke not long he heard shouts from the middle, and there Dazai stood recognizing the face of his partner Chuuya slowly walk towards the group. Not long he realized that the person he was looking so hard was also there and not just that Dazai was giving her flowers. The woman accepted the flowers and smile, bowing in front of the male thanking him in the process.

" Oyyy Dazai, I never thought you were into such young girls" hearing this Dazai and y/n's eyes turned to him, few more eyes follow as they began to wander what might be the reason why Dazai is giving the new female flowers. Dazai only eyed Chuuya a bit before smiling " good to see you Chuuya, great timing" he spoke as Chuuya was now standing in front of the two. " what so great about witnessing you flirting?" Chuuya was fast to bark back at the taller male, Dazai only scoff with a smile " y/n I want you to meet my partner, this is Chuuya" and with that y/n bow to chuuya with a timely manner, with that Dazai nodded before turning to his partner.

"And Chuuya this is my little sister Y/n" with the mention of their relation, all eyes falls at the group as they watch in disbelief the new recruit was the little sister of best executive. " what? Sister?? Are you for real?" Chuuya was fast to response the light shade of pink on his cheeks was not hard to notice. " hello my name is Y/n Osamu nice to meet you" the sound of the new voice in the place made them eyed her with curiosity.

" she is my biological little sister, Chuuya and she is 4 years younger to you" with that y/n eyed the new face faintly before smiling, taken a back Chuuya avoided her eyes. Not only she accused his partner flirting with the new recruit but also assuming that the new recruit is also flirting with Dazai, ohh how he was ashamed about this entire scenario. With that Chuuya bow at her " nice to meet you" he stand up before eyed Dazai a bit then nodding his good bye. " I'll go now I need to attend some training" with that the orange head disappear in the midst of crowd.


Chuuya was handling the new recruit training program and with that he got the chance to see how y/n will perform both curios and interested how she got it made him want to see how she was capable. The training went smoothly and base on Chuuya's observation y/n was nothing special, she perform task with timely manner and of course with beauty and grace. But there is no power or strong point on her that made her stands out from the batch with a disappointed sigh Chuuya took a big gulp of water.

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