IDV | William Ellis X Reader ( To Protect you )

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photo is not mine it's from ( 第五人格 identity V)  

also happy belated birth day to my amazing forward <3 awwwww so handsome <3

William Ellis X Reader

A soft groan was heard in the silent cold and dark room; you gently wriggle your way to face your lover who is sleeping in the left side of the bed. The cold embrace of the morning flutters the light that is beaming through the window pane; it was early too early for a certain man who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

You smiled as you slowly faced him, observing his face down to his lips you note how thick his lashes was and how lovely he looks at the moment. The man who is known as the forward or William sleep silently in the bed as the white clot blanket covers his body. Your hand slowly reaches out to his face as you gently stroke his cheeks with your thumb.

You really cannot recall how it all happens but it was a really fun rollercoaster ride when you two started dating, he was always the loud one and you are the silent one. They say opposite attracts and that is clearly your case, everything you are was practically William in opposite he was hyper while you was always collected. He loves going out while you preferred being in the shadows, the people in the manor really didn't understand how you two click but it just happened.

You can remember the day how he confesses to you, even though he made it clear he was interested with you, you being the naïve and innocent girl in the manor never really picks it up. He brings your drink every time, after that the drink was added food with it. He pester you when you are lonely ( not that you mind ) and he always keeps you company.

At first you thought he was just being such a good person to the new survivor but that thought was cleared when he confesses to you, you will be lying if you will say you didn't like him. In all he was the most reliable team mate you had and every time you and him was in the same match he will make sure he will save you whenever you are down.

Your feelings to him slowly grow when he continue to do this in the last few months, you enjoy ever bits of his attention and you can see he feels the same. Back to your current time, you decided to sleep on his room that night it was normal thing for you two to do and he enjoys it a lot ( no sex included ). The big man loves soft cuddles and he will do anything to be in your arms you love cuddling the same as he does and so you give in to him every time.

" William wake up we need to get up we have match later" you softly rub your thumb on his cheeks, he slowly groan as he shift a bit from his position. " give me 10 more minutes y/n" he said cutely your face flares up how cute and adorable he looks. You smiled at him as you lean closer to his face planning to kiss his forehead but before you can even do this his eyes slowly opened.

" hmmm?" you questioned him and with a smirk he pulled you closer to him " okay I'll wake up but give me kisses" with that you hugged him and gave him pepper kisses on his face. Both of you giggles at this, he slowly took your hand as he kissed your palm this gesture always melt you he always looks so sincere when he do. " good morning princess" his eyes turned to you slowly, with a sweet smile you nodded and spoke in response " morning"

The two of you slowly sat up to begin the day, you on the other hand gone back to your room to get some back and get changes the two of you separated in the door by a sweet short kiss on the lips " I'll see you in a while okay" he smiled at you as he pulled you closer " alright alright" you blush as he snicker enjoying your red face. Even though you two had been in the relationship for almost 4 months now he still managed to make you flush.

" be quick" he said as he peck your cheeks, you nodded as you slowly made your way back to you room.

Time skip/ you were now walking down the hall towards the dining hall, upon reaching the certain door you heard giggles and laughter's sounding from the inside of the door. When you pulled it opened you were greeted by your friends ( well most of them ) sitting in the dining hall chairs, William was already sitting on your favorite spot he notice you as he smiled waving at you. You walked your way towards him as you sat comfortably beside him, Aesop was on your right while William was on your Left.

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