MDZS | Jiang Cheng X Male Reader

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Jiang Cheng X (BI Reader )

It was a normal life in Gusu the livid colors of grass and the sound of the bells chiming in the normal morning routine of the cloud recesses, Jiang Cheng along with his friends were staying in one of the far place pavilion near the gates of the Gusu entrance gate. The view in this pavilion is exceptionally beautiful and the atmosphere is calming and peaceful so when Wei Ying discovered it the group decided to stay there most of the time.

Not long after the three noticed that the gate of Gusu was slowly opening, the curious group stood their way to have a clear view that was entering the big gates. Upon further looking the boy were not disappointed to see a small group of males entering the main gate of Gusu. They were wearing Pink and white combination clothing and their tassels resembled a feather like details.

With all the details that they were seeing, it was clear to them that one specific person stand the most of the small group, a male around their age with ( hair length ) and magnificent ( hair color) comes into their view.

The face of calmness and peace was vividly displayed on the young unknown master; he stood confident and respected as they walk the long grass lawn of Gusu. Jiang Cheng can't help but marvel such beauty, he had never seen such beauty specially if it's from the same gender.

Wei: wow he looks so fancy, I wonder from what sect is he" he marveled as he eyed the slowly walking group up the hill of Gusu

Huisang: I am sure he was one from well-known family, did you noticed the crest in his chest??" he fans himself while looking at his friends

Wei: I didn't notice such detail but how did you noticed that?? He was so far" he asked his friend who was now slowly sitting on the bench near the table.

Huisang: not much but that details, the phoenix feathers and design he was surely from the Yuan Clan sect" he pause " I never actually thought I'll see someone from that sect" he fan himself once again

Jiang: what do you mean "you will see someone like them??" gaining curiosity about this new male he began to wonder how important is this person is.

Huisang: It's just Yuan Sect never actually communicate with other sect, not that I am sure about it? But have you heard about them forming an alliance in yunmeng?" with the answer provided the two yunmeng males was also sure they never heard such sect before.

Wei: now that you mentioned we never actually heard or known that an alliance was form with that sect?" he turned to jiang cheng

Jiang: we never had alliance with them that's it but I wonder why they won't do so?" he asked looking at Huisang

Huisang: it's simple really; their strong enough to stand on their own and they don't need alliance to survive even Qishan won't try to wage a war to them, well that's all I know" he took the cup on the table as he sip the content

Wei: if that is true then this person probably was strong?, great I wanted to be friends with him" he smiled at the idea

Jc: don't cause any trouble wei ying, I swear if you made something wrong and hurt our family reputation I'll kill you myself" he said as he took one of the cups to enjoy the tea" the three continue their own little relaxing time but one of them kept thinking about the new face they saw earlier.

Time Skip//

Lan Qiren: good morning everyone, before I announce todays agenda I wanted you to know that the young master of the Yuan Sectt, but you won't be sharing lessons with him at all. I wanted you all to approach him with respect and with confidence he is a really good swordsman and he might teach you in the future lessons.

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