IDV | Aesop Carl X Reader ( My heart Said YES)

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belated one shot for my baby Aesop, happy birth day beautiful Embalmer <3

Aesop Carl X Reader

" y/n where have you been?" the prisoner male asked the running and panting smaller form girl, the girl only smiled at him warmly as she beam nodding before speaking. Luca was worried about the female not just she was missing for the last five hours but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

" Sorry Luca, I was on the garden with Ema and I kind of fell asleep so I .. Was there for the last few hours" the female smiled embarrass as her friend just nodded understanding how clumsy and reckless was his friend. Luca was fast to smiled and shoot all her worries, of the entire survivor he felt calm and at ease when he was with y/n and he knows well that she feels the same.

Luca slowly pat her head as she giggle liking the soft and warm touches he was giving, Luca was more like a brother than a friend and being the shy person around others Luca found a comfortable peace in y/n's side. He was hesitant at first but soon he felt that she was someone who keep secrets and she can never judge him when she heard about his back story.

" we should go get some lunch now it's time to eat" the male said, Y/n eyed him before looking right and left with a huff her eyes widen upon realization of something. "there's still 30 minutes before lunch time I will need to check on something first" she was firs to speak.

Luca nodded before letting her go " just be sure to be in the dining room okay" he was quick to shoot a question with demands of answer " sure sure thanks" the female nodded, Luca hesitantly eyed the retreating female as her back slowly fade in the halls he soon started walking towards somewhere.

y/n run around the halls trying her back to get in the library in time, she might had forgotten to meet Aesop in the library upon given time and so she panic. Upon seeing the familiar Door she scurried opened it shocking the poor embalmer. " AESOP~!" she cried out the male was startled as he eyed the door where the sound was from.

" y/n?" his soft eyes slowly eyed her, she was fast to approach the sitting male the piles of books on the table where he was sitting shows that he must had been there for long. Feeling sorry y/n bow at him, " I am so sorry I forgot to meet you here" she said sorry about it all, it was true they planned to spend time together today because today was Aesops birth day.

Aesop was sad about her forgetting to meet up with him earlier but he over thinking stuff that made him realized that he had no rights to demands. Aesop was close to y/n closer than Luca but unlike Luca Aesop was involved with Y/n romantically the poor girl had no idea about it though.

Aesop had no idea how to show her how he feels; he had gone all efforts to show her that he was indeed interested with her. But y/n thought it was all for the sake of friendship even though y/n had this tint of adoration towards the embalmer she put those emotions aside for the fear of losing someone important.

" so to make it up to you I'll keep you company" she smiled, " so what do you want to do now?" she smiled at him Aesop looked at her with adoration. Her mere smile can drive him crazy and hearing her voice made him calm and ease. Her presence can make him comfortable and he was happy about it, soon after y/b took the chair beside him as she slowly sat there. Her hand rest on the table top as he palm rested under her jaw.

" do you want me to read for you?" she asked, Aesop smiled even though she cannot see it under his mask and with a soft short nod, her eyes brim with happiness. Taking on book from the pile which he finished reading he let her do what she offered.

He slowly put the book down on the table as his focus vividly watch her movement, her slim fingers glided on the book pages as she was searching for something, when her eyes widen with delight she slowly started reading the words writing on the book.

Ah those words he recall it, it was one of his favorite the story about the demon who fell in love with the innocent young girl. Her voice echoes the whole place his eyes slowly close as he tried to savor her tones and her words it feels different when she was reading it. He mind wonder how lovely she was sitting beside her even though his eyes were close he knows how close she was to him.

y/n slowly turned to her side seeing Aesop's eyes closed, she enjoyed watching him in fact she enjoyed his company she was sure she was indeed interested with the male but feeling his anxiousness towards people she never push it through. All she did was support him, adore him from afar and from there pretend that she never actually like him.

Her hand slowly flip the pages as she continue to read, taking few short glances ever now and then she slowly put the book down as she eyed him. Aesop's eyes slowly opened realizing that she had stopped reading his head slowly turned to her as she eyed him. The closeness of the two were unbearable, it was too quite too perfect too fit for this time. They slowly lean closer to each other waiting for each other's response.

" y/n?" Aesop was first to break the silence " can I kiss you?" the question flows freely but y/n's eyes were wide open, she never actually thought she will hear those words from her best friend and being in this situation his mind and heart had a really hard battle.

Her heart said yes and why not? But her head said no and that it wasn't right" her thought ponder and for once she was confuse to her own decision, her silence made Aesop assume she wasn't interested and from there he slowly withdraw from her.

" sorry" Aesop said as he slowly stood up running to the door, Y/n was shocked she knows well how anxious and nervous Aesop was when he was around other people and saying his thought must be harder. She slowly grab her head knocking herself down the table. " why are you so stupid" Aesop continue to run as he finally reach the garden, he flop down and there his tears slowly falls.

" it hurts" he lowly said as he sat on the bench near the door, Luca noticed him and decided to talk to him. " Hey Aesop?" the male called, Aesop wipe his tears as he slowly turned his head from the sound of the voice seeing Luca on the door he sat straightly.

Luca slowly approach him noticing the red and pink color on the embalmers cheeks, " are you crying?" the sound of his voice made Aesop startle. " hm?? Sorry" he said as Aesop eyed him, " well whatever is your problem crying won't fix it" Luca added as Aesop slowly stand up facing him.

" I confess to y/n but she seems to had rejected me" hearing this Luca's eyes widen before slowly growing soft, he pat Aesops shoulder as he spoke " y/n is very mischievous but you should not think that she is someone who will not give you a solid answer. Did she said no to you?" Aesop realized what Luca was saying, he only assumed that you were saying no and yet he never actually heard you said no at least not just yet.

With this the door burst opened revealing the panting girl, " Aesop I've been looking for you" her flushing faces shows urgency and with that Luca pat Aesops shoulder one more time " good luck" he said as he slowly left the two to have some privacy.

Y/n slowly walked towards him as she tried to steady her panting, Aesop looked at her worried why would she go all the way to look for him. But before he can ask why was she running the girl cut him off " Sorry, I wasn't thinking earlier" she pant again before taking a deep breathe " my head said no" Aesop slowly grow sad but soon after he realized that y/n slowly walked towards him as she gently took his hand with her.

" but my heart says YES" she slowly took his hand closer to her lip before kissing it so softly " Aesop you can kiss me" she smiled as Aesop slowly felt himself tear up, one of his hand slowly reaches to his right eye as y/n look at him worriedly.

" why are you hurt?? Omg I am so sorry" she said but Aesop just pulled him closer to him, the sudden warm calm him, her touches and her hand that stays on his unruffled him. " Thank you" y/n heard this as she buried her face on the embalmers chest. Slowly Aesop reaches for her face pulling her closer as he leaned towards her, seeing this y/n's eyes slowly closes.

Not long when they felt soft and warm lips on each other, the kiss was soft , gentle and innocent after few second Aesop pulled away from her liking the blush cheek she was showing. Her tears slowly glided on his cheeks but this never hit the ground as when y/n's hand gently and warmly wipe them off.

" Please take care of me" she said and soon Aesop nodded, pulling her into a tight hug " Happy birth day" she smiled as he nodded.

Luca stood in front of the window pane smiling " these two" he slowly turned to his right to go to the dining hall lunch is almost served and he was really hungry.


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