IDV | Naib Subedar X Reader ( No words, But action)

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Naib Subedar X Reader

A grunt was heard around the table of three, Naib has his face buried on his arms as his two friends watch their friend in dismay. Eli with his owl just watch while Aesop was enjoying his tea, this was a normal day for the three they don't have match than later tonight so this is the perfect time to relax and refresh.

Aesop: you know you won't get some answers from her if you just stay there" the embalmer places his now half full tea on the saucer. Eli's owl made a sound more like agreeing to Aesops statement, Eli smiled at his pet owl as he spoke to his friend.

Eli: Aesop is right, you should really try to build some communication with her than being her" Naib finally raise his head from his arms as he looked at his friends, both confuse and angry that he can't even talk to you without stuttering or making a mess of embarrassment of himself. He slowly turned around to see two girls on the garden; y/n was smiling ever so brightly as Ema was making flower crown for them.

Naib was head over heels for the new girl, she came in like other normal survivor on the manor her bright smile and warming talk can make anyone in love with her. Even Kevin is no exception, he never flirted with the girl and for once Kevin thought that there is a girl in the world worth protecting. Aesop and Eli, grew closer to the girl she was more like a little sister to them but Naib fell in love hard.

Eli: I am sure she would reciprocate your feelings for her" he paused as he took a cup of tea offering it to his pet owl " beside she was closer to you more than anyone in the manor" he smiled at his pet owl who seems to enjoy the tea on the cup offered to him. Naib just watch you closely, the bright smile you always have is enough to make his heart beat like crazy, he groan again as he flop his head back on his arms.

Aesop: Naib!, just talk to her" he said as he looked at his friend, that's the case Naib was not good at talking to people and what make its worst is he don't even know how to express himself which usually make him a stuttering mess in front of you.

Eli: look here she comes" with that Aesop eyes landed on the girl who seems to be walking towards their table, when y/n arrived in front of them Eli smiled widely at her as Aesop nodded in acknowledgement. Elis pet flaps her wings in delight when she saw the girl.

y/n: good morning" she smiled briefly eyeing Naib who still who looked at her gently from his position " I just though that it was such a wonderful day why not say hi to gentlemen" with that you smiled at them, handing them a flower on each different color. Eli received a white rose; While Aesop was given yellow rose. Naibs eyes flickers when he saw a red rose placed in front of him. With that you smiled once more before running back to Ema.

Aesop gently took the rose as he gently looked at it, Eli smiled at the flower as his pet owl eyed it too. Naib on the other hand just stared at the red rose as he eyed it delicately. " you know red roses means true love" Aesop said making the mercenary to look at him " Yellow rose means friendship" he pause and smiled " white rose means loyalty" Eli smiled eyeing the rose. Aesop slowly stood up as he pat Naibs shoulder, Eli following him in the process.

Naib slowly turned once last time observing you from afar " you are so unfair y/n making may heart beats like crazy" with that he slowly stood up as he follow his friends where they will need to plan for their next match. You and Ema sat there in silence as you watch the small group walked out their way.

y/n: do you think they love the roses Ema?" she smiled at you as she gently place the flower crown she was working on your head. " thank you" you gently reposition the crown.

Ema: of course they would love it" she beamed at you which made you smile in returned, she was one of your closest friend and she was few of those people who actually know you adoration towards the certain mercenary. The two of you continue to play with the flowers, talking about random things, Emily who just finished her match walked towards the two of you.

Emi: hello there you two seems to be enjoying" she smiled as she eyed the flowers in your hands " lunch will be prepared soon you two should clean and go now okay" she smiled at you as she help you and Ema up leading you two towards the kitchen.

The preparation for lunch was not that long and soon the kitchen was filled with different types of people, you were sitting beside Ema and Emily in the table talking about things you failed to notice a pair of eyes looking at you. Naib kept his gaze as you, turning away every now and then when your head will turn to his direction not that he mind being caught, but he wouldn't like it when you caught him straightly looking at you while eating. Aesop just eyed his friend, feeling bad that Naib really didn't have the courage to talk to you.

After Dinner, Eli and Aesop took the chance to talk to you Naib on the other hand just went his way to get back to his room and prepare for the upcoming match. Aesop and Eli feel bad about their friends " Naib " fail attempts to talk to you so they decided to help him in some ways.

Aesop: y/n can you please go in the garden I'll need to talk to you real quick" you smiled at Aesop and nodded, Eli on the other hand walked to Naibs room and knocked few times. Naib opened it with curious eyes " hey Aesop wanted to talk to you but he was stuck in the garden can you come by?" Eli said with words, Naib just groan as he walked out the room walking to the garden.

Y/n was first to arrive her eyes search for a certain embalmer only to meet the mercenary who was just walking out the door. " oh?" she said above whisper, Naib was grunting as he eyed the garden in search of his friend but his eyes soon focuses on the ( occupation) on the middle of the garden, She stood there ever so beautifully realizing the situation Naibs face flush red. "those two" he said as he slowly walked towards the girl, she had a smile on her face as she waited for him to reach her point.

y/n: hello there Naib" she called out to him, Naib only nodded as he awkwardly stand in front of her he don't even know what to say or do since this was all new to him. " are you okay?" with the small voice in front of him, he turned to look at y/n who still has a smile plastered on her face.

Naib: well I amm.. a.. ughh" he said in desperate attempt followed by few groans and grunts, y/n was patient with him she knows well how the mercenary had hard time expressing himself with words and sometimes with action so she took the time to make Naib comfortable around her. Falling in love with someone who doesn't even know how love or relationship works is a really tiring and hard thing to do, but y/n proves it otherwise.

Y/ took a step forward the mercenary, Naib stood still as he observed the smaller form walked towards him When she was just in front of him y/n smiled widely " you know, I've been meaning to tell you that I actually enjoyed your company" she looked at him " even though you don't talk that much or smile that much I still like it" she step closer "I've always felt strongly intrigue and attracted to this certain man but he can't seem to voice out his words to me" with the mentioned of this Naib faces blush " but then I like it" you looked at him " I like everything about him" you slowly took his hand with yours as he gently let you. Naib gulped with the closeness " and I actually wanted to know if he feels the same towards me" you gently tighten your grip on his hand, making his turned to you lovingly.

Naib sigh as he slowly pulled your closer his forehead resting on yours " how about this man just show you", you chuckled and nodded , he slowly yet gently lead down to your face as he nervously placed his lips on yours, you can feels his hand shaking as he did to lead him to your more one of your hand hook behind his back, one of his hand slowly made its way on your neck to deepen the kiss. You giggled from the kiss, he pulled back from you seeing how flustered the mercenary is.

" Naib your face is red" you said as he covered it with one of his hand , you slowly hugged him and smiled " I love you too" with that he eyed you as he placed his head over your head hugging you in the process. " I love you too" with that he smiled and for once he doesn't need words to express anything to you, but he did it by his actions.

Eli and Aesop stood in front of the window admiring their works " finally" Aesop said, Eli's owl just flaps its wings with happiness " yeah finally" Eli smiled at the couple in the garden.


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