BNH | Various Characters X Reader ( The Gifted 2 )

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BNH Males X Reader ( The Gifted 2)

Sitting on the grass you watch the battles from the shade of tree, Todoroki who was sitting on your left was silent as he watch the battle while the loud Bakugou was now on the grass sleeping. Your eyes flash blue as you eyed each student with useful quirk which you will be able to use really soon. After few minutes you grow bored on this, you slowly stood up taking the attention of the bi-colored eyed guy beside you he looked at you as he wait for you to talk.

y/n: I am going to get something to eat do you want to go?" you asked the silent guy who only nodded in agreement, before walking away you poke the blonde head on the grass which result of few groans and few nasty remarks " hey I am leaving" you told the closed eye guy who only shrug what you said

Bakugou: you don't need to tell me" he said as he flips on the other side to avoid you, you nodded as you called out to Todoroki

y/n: let's go Todoroki" with that being said Bakogou sit up immediately seeing you go along with Todoroki, he wa angry as to why are you going with that half-half guy

Bakogou: hey you're going with him?" he pointed at the standing male, you look at him confused before turning your eyes to Todoroki who only look at you from the sideline. You smiled at him " Yes I am going with him why??' you asked before facing the fuming Bakogou on the grass

Bakogou: Ughh I am going" as he stand up walking passed you two, he walked towards the cafeteria to get something to eat " hurry up dumbass" he called you out, you only nodded before following him Todoroki right behind you. You three finally reached the place but as you all know it was all time popular "JAPANESE LUNCH TIME RUSH" and there are tons of students trying to buy and get food. Bakugou who was airheaded just gone up to the crowd trying to get what he needed, Todoroki looked at you as he slowly walked towards the group to buy food.

You sigh as you made way to the crowd with the numbers of students you were easily sweep in front but before you can get some food the students behind started pushing and you were almost squish in the process to your shock the impact never came, upon looking back you realized the reason why Bakougou had both of his hand on the counter pushing back for you not to be crushed. His ears were red as he avoids your eyes; you smiled taking enough food for you and his also extra if Todoroiki was not able to get his.

After you paid for the food, you grabbed Bakogous hand as you float away the crowd he was shocked not knowing you can actually fly. You drop him on his feet and you landed safely beside him, you handed him bread and drink along with some fruit he only nodded accepting it. You turned to see Todoroki with defeated look you walked towards him as you handed him the breads.

He looked at you confused " I got one for you" and with that he softly smiled following your smaller figure to the table where the loud Bakogou was sitting. Kirishima went to your table and joined the small group he also mentioned that he never saw Bakogou cared for anyone " pointing out the scene earlier" Bakogou stayed silent for the longest time until the end of the lunch time.

Your small group walked towards your room not wanting to be late you asked them to go on since you need to go to the bathroom. When you were about to turn right you were greeted by two villains you were shocked how they get inside the campus without the teachers sensing. You draw back not wanting to deal with it now you know well why they are after you but this time you are in public place it will be dangerous for the other students.

The guy with stitches on his body walked towards you almost grabbing you " come with us or else we will kill some people here" with that words from his mouth your eyes glows blue not wanting anyone being hurt because of you, you set your hands on flames as you set the other one on thunder. They eyes you understanding that you will fight them there, You were about to attack when someone throws you out the window you were unprepared as you falls down hard on the hard pavement.

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