IDV | Norton X Vampire Reader ( Beauty that is for me)

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Hello there, sorry for taking super while before updating sadly my internet is a mess and we don't have reliable connection at the moment. Also I've been working on few different field and such so I will be working on my videos and projects more soon. I will still try to update every now and then but it will be very slow hope you won't mind for now please do enjoy the story <3.

Norton Campbell X Vampire Reader

Norton just finished his match, with a deep sigh he marched his way towards the dining area in hopes to find something to eat. His recent game was really hard that it was almost a loss than a tie, along with few of his friends Luca, Naib and Fiona the team went up against the new hunter violinist. Since there are really few chances of having him as the hunter the team of survivors really had hard time kiting him and in the end they ended the game with a tie.

Norton groan as he rub his neck the discomfort that clearly from his last match was not helping, along the way he hum himself a soft tune as he started to think what he would like to eat. Unexpectedly out of the corner he heard a soft but audible sound of falling, taken by surprise the prospector run his way to check what he had just heard. Upon taking a very sharp turn he saw a familiar survivor on the floor, the sound of pain and groaning was clearly from the female survivor.

y/n was a not so new survivor In the manor, she was known to be very skilled both in kiting and in decoding but despite of these talents and characteristic the girl was said to have a really weak body. Shock and worried Norton semi runs his way towards the female on the ground, " y/n? what happened?" the male ask the new face.

Y/n notice the male that comes into his aid and with a weary feeling she tried her best to give him a smile " Sorry I must have not seen the uneven flooring" she said clearly stating what could have happened, but upon noticing this Norton saws that there is nothing there to make her trip the hall was flat and clean. " Let me help you up" the male said, the sudden closeness of their bodies made the female flinch not because of the movement but because of how close she was with Norton.

Unknown to the male y/n holds a really high level adoration towards him, the male never actually knows anything about romance but he knows well that he was also interested with the female, but of course both of them were too dense to know that. " umm thank you" she said clearly thankful about the help she was receiving, when the two of them were already up and standing Norton was concern what happened. " what happened to you and where are you going?" the sudden question made the girl turn her head to the male. A swift supporting hand wipe her hair that is covering her face " so what really happened?" he repeat his question.

" I just felt really weak so I fell on the floor" the pale complexion of the girl said it was true, Norton was slowly getting worried as his hand support the shorter girl. " so where are you going?" he asked again, realizing she didn't answer the last question y/n just stood there smiling at him " I was on my way to Emily since I need to get some medicine" hearing this Norton nodded understanding her. There is no way he will let y/n go alone and with that he supported her as they started to walk in the halls " I will walk with you who knows what happened if I leave you?" the male smiled at the shorter girl, the female was thankful and happy about it.

The walk was full of words, y/n enjoys talking and so did Norton so the two of them shared tons of talks and chats about their days. The two of them felt really comfortable around each other that they spend time In the library sometimes, the thought of being close to the person you like made them feel really thankful and with that they reached Emily's clinic room. " I should get going" she smiled once again she hesitantly let go of Norton's arms that is supporting her, the warm Norton was holding was suddenly cold and there he understood that he had to let her go inside.

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