IDV | Victor Grantz x Reader ( Love )

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Victor Grantz x Reader ( LOVE )

A new survivor will be arriving in the manor and everyone was excited for this well including you of course, almost everyone was already waiting in the dining hall talking about who or what kind of different survivor will arrive in the manor today. Other than the gender and the name, the letter Miss Nightingale sent or gave didn't give much information about the new survivor of the game. Ema was holding your hand as she semi dragged you on the place where everyone is waiting, as much as you loved the happy go lucky girl your arms started to hurt from her gently and long tugging.

When you two arrived in front of the dining hall everyone was already in there well most of them were there, some are sitting on the chairs near the table as some are talking about random things and some doesn't even care. Ema hold you close as you two sat beside Emily who was near the door. The said doctor gave you a quick glimpse before smiling at you and at Ema. You and Ema sat in stillness as you waited for the door to sound, thankfully you didn't need to wait that long, you heard a clear knock on the front wooden door. Emily took the effort to open it as the whole manor wait for the new survivor.

He was wearing a red and gold detailed clothing that highly resembles a mailman uniform, the design is simple and neat to your opinion, a simple bag around his form which he grip gently and a very cute dog beside him who has a small collar detailed the same as the postman was wearing. The dog looks well behave enough as it follows his master inside the wide unknown place. The new survivor took the chance to beam and study everyone in the room before he took a board and a pen as he scribbles something in the said material. " Hello my name is Victor Grantz" the writings say, you were a bit confuse as to why he wasn't even speaking but after your further studying of his feature you realized that his mouth was stitch.

You just stared at the new face " cute" you shortly thought as he slowly made his way towards everyone trying his best to remember all the names thrown at him. When it's finally your turn to be asked he gave you the tenderest smile as he shyly offered his hand to you for a formal handshake. You took it delicately as you give him a short but quick handshake, you smiled to him as you spoke few words " My name is y/n nice to meet you" you said he nodded acknowledging your name, he let go of your hand soon after that. The soft touches of his hand is sincere, when Ema and Emily talk to Victor about his room you eyed your smaller hand as you miss his warmth. "Soft" you said as you eyed his back momentarily, smiling tenderly you decided to go back to your room to rest or read your new book.

Just like that Victor was accepted naturally in the manor, he had hard time talking to others but he did find it easy befriending them. Ema and Mike never actually leave the poor postman the two tried their best to make Victor feel welcomed, he kind of gets used of the two amazing people trying to make him comfortable he appreciate them really well.

Today was like the other, Mike and Ema took the time to make Victor relaxed and you were very pleased to see him beam and have fun with them, even though some part of you wanted to be part of his happiness you wave the idea as you continue your walk towards the library. The library was one of your favorite locations to rest, reading books or simply enjoying the silent mood of the library gave you a sense of comfort and security you cannot find anywhere.

You gently push the door open as you embrace the solemn and icy disposition of the room, the sun waves was just enough to light limited portion of the library as the other parts stays cold. It was your favorite mood, you sigh as you eyed the whole place it was normally this silent ever since you arrive in the manor. No one really pays attention to the amazing room well specific people such as Aesop and sometimes joseph pays the room some visit; you slowly glided on the wood flooring making few sounds you as gently took steps.

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