Hetalia | Vladimir X Reader ( A dance with the Vampire )

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A dance with the Vampire (Vladimir X Reader)

You walk in the vast big ball room hall with a champagne in your hand, as you walked and eyed each of the royals in the room you smiled and smirk and sway with the sound. It was your second day in Romania and you had anything in the world but to have fun, today you were invited by a friend in his birthday and guess what it was a Ball theme party. You being the feisty woman you are decided to go with Full black gown with amazing works of raffles with few details of red and maroon. The guest were more please and your friend was happy that you are still the same feisty princess he had known in college.

But the thing is this party is making you bored to hell, you twirl your way to the balcony and wanted some private time. The guys in this party were filthy rich but no one had glitters your interest so far, you smiled and sway as you hum the music blasting in the ball. You had liked the moon tonight it was extra bright and full you twirl one more time as you placed the glass on the railings made of marble.

You turned to look inside and there you saw something special, in the big room stand a male with blonde hair, he is wearing some fancy looking attire that makes the ladies swoon. His eyes are red or were it? And his smile was remarkable amazing, he stand out too much you thought as you dance once more under the moonlight. The wind blew some kisses in your white skin as you move your way on the balcony. You were enjoying your own time when you felt someone staring at you, you turned to look at the entrance and there stood the guy you were eyeing earlier this night.

Vlad: hello my dear" as he bow at you slightly, you smiled at him and bow

y/n: hello good sir" you smiled at him keeping some safe distance

Vlad: you seem to be alone, can I accompany you" he asked as he took few steps forward you

y/n: why not" as you offer him

Vlad: isn't it lovely tonight" he asked you, you turned to him and respond with a nod

y/n; the moon is full and bright, too bright it makes me want to sleep on it's beauty" as you look at the big ball in the sky

Vlad: but do you know what more a beauty is tonight" he turned to you, you blush a bit and smiled

y/n: what?" you asked teasing the man

vlad: you my dear, your beauty illuminates the bright moon" he smiled, he offered you his hand to take which you accepted in no time

y/n: thank you I guess" as you smiled and he pulled you in a dance position

Vlad: My name is Vladimir and can I please know the name of the princess in front of me?" as he took few steps swaying you both with the song

y/n: y/n, nice to meet you Vladimir" as you smiled swaying more, he twirl you as he reach his hand on your waist. His hand is warm and his move is gentle you were lost in his beauty and he is the same

y/n: you know it's rude to stare" you tease him

Vlad: well I don't mind being called rude, if I can see and stare at your beautiful face" he tease smiling, you blush and smiled at him

y/n: suit yourself then" as you let him guide you

vlad: I haven't seen you here are you new?" he asked

y/n: ughh yeah I am from London, just went for my friends birthday" you answer

vlad: ohh is that good sir ( friends name)" he asked you, you nodded as he pull you closer, his scene is intoxicating it makes you feel comfortable perhaps too much comfortable, you felt his hand move upper to your back.

y/n: your moving a bit too smoot neh Vlad?? You asked with a smirked, he smiled at you he had liketh feisty character you were showing him

Vlad: don't you like it?" he asked you

y/n" I like it, I think I might had loved it" and with that he placed his lips on your, you respond in no time his lips were soft and smooth. As you mouth dance with the rhythm you had felt more comfortable in his arms, and with that he slipped his tongue in your mouth. You like how he wanted to force his way in you but you weren't going to give in that easy as you push him in the chair straddling his lap.

Vlad: feisty aren't you princess?" as he kissed down your neck, kissing his ears which is now red you two battle with naughty antics. Until then you something which is out of this world, there you saw a pair of fangs. He has fangs this guy has fangs on his mouth??, you put your hand on his mouth examining if it's real?. Pretty curious than scared.

y/n: fangs? What are you a vampire?" you asked joking, turning to look at his eyes you saw that it is now blood shot red, you felt danger in his arms right now. He pulled you near him kissing your neck

vlad: and what will you do if I am" he kisses your neck which makes you shiver but still enjoyed the delight he was giving you.

y/n: I don't care then" as you kissed his mouth, and with that you fell asleep

Vlad: such handfuk, but I like her" he smiled holding you in his arms

( your friends name): so you've picked your bride?" he asked

Vlad" Ohh Indeed" he smiled kissing your head

(y.f.n) he that's my friend, but I hope you protect and take care of her" as he leave you two

Vlad: Of course for all eternity" as he kiss your neck " For I will make her one of us" as he looked at your sleeping form

Vlad: Forever


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