BNHA | Bakugou Katsuki X Reader ( Cuddle)

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Bakugou X Reader ( Cuddle)

You walked inside the small apartment you rented with your boyfriend, it was a very calming and a very comfortable place for you and him to be at ease. You walk to the small hall way  that leads to the living room with fair size and design you groan. It was a bit dark already it was passed afternoon anyway and the silent was enough to make you crave for the bed. Today you were out to train with few of the students in the other class, All might was in there and you were beyond happy to be selected to guide and train the others. You know that your boyfriend because their class ended earlier than the class you join to train with. He should be home you thought and you know he  already is home so you just sneak quietly walking towards your shared room.

As you reached the second floor you made sure to change clothes first, not liking the sweat you worked with you decided to go to your room first. Going to your room for a quick change you, you somehow managed to get clothes that makes you comfortable you wore sleeveless white tank top and black shorts walking barefoot to your destination. You walked towards your shared room and there you peak in the dark concealed big size room, Bakugou like it when the blinds were shut tight he loves to sleep when the place is dark and he is really comfortable when it was a bit cold. You kind of learn to give into his wants since you two will end up fighting for the smallest things if not just like who will sleep in the left side of the bed??.

You saw your boyfriend laying in the king size bed hugging your pillow comfortably the pillow stuff toy you bought for him last year. As much as you enjoy seeing him hug that thing you kind of envy the position. You pout since he was hugging that pillow a bit too tight and too close for your liking. You slowly crept towards the sleeping boy not making a sound as you slowly and carefully tried to pulled out the pillow toyfrom his tight grip and hug. After few times of trying to take it off he will only groan and pull it harder closer to his body. You pout as you watch him buried his face on the soft toy enjoying the fur it has you seriously wish it was you he was hugging like that.

y/n: Katsuki, I want hug" you tried to poke him but he only groan moving to his side, his back facing you now you mentally struggle not to try to kill your lover. You wanted to rest and you wanted to do it on his arms, you pout looking how peaceful he looks. He may be some kind of dick head sometimes but when it comes to you he will go all soft and gentle which is pretty new for your classmates for they all know about Bakugou.

It was a nerve wrecking moment when you two finally decided to make your status public, the whole class A-1 were shookt and even not believing that Bakugou, their Bakugou is the boyfriend of the cutest girl in school not to mentioned the most popular too. You watch him every day, every class  and every movement he makes. He was rude to you at first but then he fall deep and hard for you when you two joined a team for a class clash practice. From that day he kept on eyeing and bugging you which eventually ends up of him confessing to you his feelings. He started from teasing you and threatening to kill you everytime he see you but you know well he was being too shy towards you, because he flush in the smallest touch of your skin to him.

Your eyes glimmers with jealousy, wanting to be in his arms already you poke his side but  he gave you no reaction you slowly made way to the other side of the bed not wanting to force a hug from him, youa re too tired to have some battle for a stuff toy. You know that he is tired too beside he was in class A their the hero course, so you will just sleep tonight not in his arms accepting that tonight you will not be comfy as you planned to be. Slowly you felt soft and warm arms move around your body, you look around to see your boyfriend sleeping behind you but not only that, his arms are securely hugging you.

You blushed as you hold his hand, he was warm and his skin feels really good on your own,  smiling softly you wanted to sleep until you heard him spoke " I miss you" he said with a low voice you only nodded as you acknowledge what he said. " I miss you too" you said as you hum in agreement, he pulled you closer his head was resting gently on the crook of your neck. You enjoyed the soft moment you yawn as you slowly drifted to sleep not until your lover talked once more

Bakugou: y/n face me" he said with tint of demands but you obeyed still obey his request, you slowly moved your body to face him, you hugged him tight as you placed your head on his broad chest his face buried to the crown of your head. He hum as he listen to the slowly falling rain, you didn't notice it but it slowly started to rain, the soft sound of the falling drops is enough to ease you. You felt Bakugou placed peck on your face as he slowly hum enjoying the moment, you were too tired to even open your eyes as you let him to what he want.

One of his hands draw circles on your back in a very soothing process, his other hand kept you still in place as he showers you with kisses, the side other people will never see, he only show this side of him to you and sometimes he will be blushing mess when you point out how cute he was.

Bakugou: aren't you hungry?" hearing his smooth voice you only shrug the question, you felt him kiss your forehead as he peck another place of your face. He placed a longer kiss on your lips as you savor the moment " I love you Bakugou" with that you slowly open your eyes taking him by surprise you see his face blushing red even the dark place cannot conceal the shy boy.

Bakugou: what are you talking about pfftt, I love you too" as he hid his face away from you, you  only giggles as you kiss his neck  the only place you can reach in this height of yours " I know " you kiss his chin then you pout when he won't turn to you " you know I cannot reach you" he smirk as he eyed you back, he slowly leaned down so you can reach his lips. The kiss last for few second just a casual normal kiss , a kiss you two enjoy the most, not the rought one but the gentle and caring one you love it when he was this gentle with you. It took a while for him to be able to be comfortable with you and you loved it the most.

y/n: I really love you" you smiled at him making him blush again "ugh I know too you don't need to repeat it" as he covered his face with his free hand, with that the two of you slowly fell asleep in a soft slumber. Comforting for both fo you true and gentle love


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