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⌜ chapter nine ⌟

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"You know, you should really call your dad. I'm good here." Letty says as she looks at Miller, and he shakes his head. "Miller—"

"The only place that I should be is exactly where I am. Things aren't exactly over, and I'm not leaving you." He tells her. "We're working things out, but nothing's permanent. I'm staying here for awhile, and that's that. Alright?"

She hesitates as she looks up at him, but she can see that he intends to remain unmoving in his argument. "Okay." The brunette reluctantly agrees.

"Now, go talk to your boyfriend, huh?" He smirks at the annoyed look on her face, and she pushes him before leaving the trailer park so that she can go and talk to Eric.

Letty walks into the Matthews' kitchen from their living room, and she sees her best friend sitting at the table with his parents standing on either side of him. She's quiet as she watches the three of them, nervous about the conversation that she knows she has to have with them.

"I'm too cute to stay home." Eric fakes a sob as he drops his head into his hands.

"Um... Hi." Letty gets their attention, and his head snaps up; Eric and his parents immediately look at her.

"Letty." The teenage boy gets to his feet and rushes over to her. "Where have you been? Are you okay? What happened?" He asks as he brushes her hair out of her face, his eyes now on the light bruise over her cheek.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She tells him as his mom has Morgan go into the living room to play.

"I've been so worried about you. And you were avoiding me at school. And—"

"Eric, I'm okay." Letty repeats, raising her voice to talk over him, but she doesn't yell. She doesn't want to draw either of his siblings into the room.  "I promise, I'm okay. I needed some time to get some things figured out, but I... I really am okay."

"I'm sorry about how I acted when I saw the bruise. I never should've lifted your shirt." He says, and she shakes her head. "But I saw it, and it freaked me out. I wanted to hel—"

The brunette reaches up and puts her hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up as she looks into his eyes. "It's okay, Eric. I'm not mad at you for what you did, and I'm okay." She tells him, then she looks over at his parents as she drops her hand from his mouth. "Can we talk? All of us?"

"Of course." Mrs. Matthews says as she looks over at her husband briefly.

"You guys were right." The brunette tells them as they all sit at the table. "My dad... He's been hitting me since I was a little kid, ever since my mom left us. I think he blames me or something. I don't- I don't know."

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