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⌜ chapter fifteen ⌟

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"What the hell are you wearing?" Letty questions when she sees Miller in a suit, and he stops next to her in the school hallway.

"The school paper's doing an article on the team, and coach wanted us to look like half-decent members of the student body." He tells her, mocking his coach's voice. "He said to show up in something nice or not show up at all, and if we didn't show, we can't play."

"Shouldn't you be wearing your team uniform?"

"They have pictures of us in uniform." Miller shrugs. "I don't remember what the article's about, I stopped listening when the girl said it had to do with more than just the game."

"You look like a little boy playing dress-up in his dad's clothes." She says as she goes through her locker, and he looks down at what he's wearing.

"I got it from a thrift store." He smirks. "Other girls think I look good." He tells her, and she scoffs.

"Oh, please."

"You disagree?"

"I think you look like a grown-up version of the kid from Stuart Little."

"I think you just don't want to admit that you think I'm cute in this." He takes a step toward her, and she places her hand on his chest before nudging him back a step. "Come on, Scar, why are you fighting this? You're gonna give in eventually."

Her eyes narrow as she looks up at him. "When pigs fly."

"Stranger things have happened. Don't doubt Wilbur." He says, and she shakes her head at him.

"He harassing you?" Jason asks as he walks up on her other side and leans against the locker.

"What do you think?" The brunette asks as she glances over at him.

"I think he's probably trying to make you laugh by flirting with you. 'Cause we all know that you're way too good for him, and it's laughable when he spews come-ons."

"Bite me." Miller shoots him a dirty look, and he smirks as he glances at him before returning his attention to Letty.

"How are you doing?"

"Well, my dad's dead, Eric's not talking to me anymore, Miller's being annoying, and I have stuff to take care of. How do you think?" The brunette asks as she shuts her locker.

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