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⌜ chapter two ⌟

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"What's Cory's problem?" Letty asks as she walks over to Shawn in the school hallway.

"Maybe you'd know if you stopped avoiding him and Eric." The younger boy says. "Did they really​ not know that you can get like that?"

"Get like what?"

"Protective." He pauses. "Aggressive."

"I am not aggressive." She argues.

"You were starting a fight with Harley Keiner."

"Go to class, you little twerp." She nudges her brother and then walks away from him.

After school that day, Letty heads over to Eric's like she promised a certain tiny blonde she would. She's about to leave with Morgan and her mom when she feels something running down her side, causing her to immediately freeze.

"Hey, uh, can I use the bathroom before we go?" The brunette quickly asks, and Mrs. Matthews looks at her.

"Yeah, of course, sweetie." She nods, and Letty quickly grabs her backpack before making her way up the stairs.

She closes the bathroom door behind her and then lifts her t-shirt so that she can see her left side. The cut that she got the night before is bleeding again. She quickly cleans it up and grabs one of the big Band-Aids from her backpack and replaces the old, bloody one.

She then heads back downstairs to join the others. "Okay, I'm ready." Letty says as she walks into the kitchen, her backpack slung over her right shoulder. "Sorry about that." The brunette says, and Mrs. Matthews shakes her head.

"It's fine. Are you alright?" She asks, and the teenager nods.

"Yeah, fine."

"Scarlett." The girl sitting at the kitchen table with Eric gets her attention, and she looks over at her.

"Hi, um... Rebecca, right?" Letty asks, though she knows exactly who the girl is. The two of them don't exactly like each in, at all.

"What are you doing here?" Eric asks, and his best friend looks at him.

"I promised Morgan that I'd watch her at practice because I can't make it to her next game." She tells him, and he nods.

"Oh, that's cool." He nods. "I haven't seen you around lately."

"Yeah, I've been pretty busy. Work takes up a lot of time for me now."

"Okay, Morgan. Soccer practice." Mrs. Matthews tells her youngest, regaining each of their attention. "Remember what we learned last week?"

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