Chapter 55

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My phone rang. I checked my phone. "The girls," I whispered. I stood up and walked a few meters from them. "Hey girls," I said.
"Hey, Bella," the girls said. "How are you?" Ava asked. "I'm fine," I said. "What about you guys?" I asked.
"Fine," Clare said. "Yeah fine," Alice said. "We missed you," Ava said. "I missed you too, girls," I said. "Where are you now?" Clare asked. "At Alex's house."
"Oh, when will you go home?" Ava asked. "I don't know, I will stay at Alex's house for a few days."
"Why?" Alice asked.
"That's a long story."
"Tell us," Ava said. "I can't tell you from the phone," I said. "Alright, we can meet one day and you can tell us what happened," Clare said. "Mhm," I said. "Alright, bye, love you," Ava said. "Love you," Clare said. "Love you guys, bye," Alice said. "Love you, girls," I said. I hung up the phone. I walked back to the boys. I sat beside Alex.
"Do you want to watch a scary movie, Bella?" Josh asked. I looked at him. "Sure," I said. I don't want to, but I don't want to say no and ruin everything.
"Let's watch Pet Sematary," Josh said. "Yes, that's a scary movie," Dylan said. Alex put on the movie. Dylan ran and turned off the light. He came back. We all sat in a good position. Alex started the movie.
A scary scene came. I jumped into Alex's arms. He smirked as he hugged me back. I feel so safe with him. "Alex, I'm scared too, can I sit on your lap?" Josh asked. I laughed. Alex looked angrily at Josh. "I swear to god," Alex said. "I'm scared," Josh said. "Josh shut it," Alex said. "Come on," Josh said.
I laughed. "Shut it!" Alex shouted out of nowhere. I jumped a little.

He scared me.
"My angel, I'm sorry," he whispered. I looked at him. I smiled. "Alex, I think you should shut it, you scared her and me," Josh said. He glared at him. I giggled.
We kept watching the movie. It was then done. Josh went and turned on the light. "Are you okay, my angel?" Alex asked whispering. I looked at him. "Mhm," I said with a smile. I looked away.
"I have to go home," Josh said. "Me too," Elijah said. "Mhm, I'm leaving too," Dylan said. They stood up. We did too. We all walked to the door. The boys walked out. "Bye," Josh said. "Bye," Alex said.
Alex closed the door. He let out a big sigh. "Are you okay?" I asked while giggling. "Yeah," he said as he checked the clock. "Let's lay in bed together," he said. I nodded with a smile.
We walked upstairs. We got into his room. I got on the bed. He did too. "Come here, baby," he said. He opened his arms. I jumped into his arms.
"Alex, your last name sounds like it's from Russia," I said while looking down. He smirked. "Mhm, I am from Russia," he said. "Do you know where I'm from?" I asked. "USA," he said. "Right, do you know where in the USA I was born?" I asked. "No," he said. "Los Angeles," I said. "Mhm," he said.
"Let's eat something," I said. "What do you want to eat?" He asked. "I don't know," I said. "We can order a pizza, what do you think?" He asked. "Sure," I said smiling. "What pizza do you want?" He asked. "I don't know," I said while giggling. He picked up his phone and called a pizza restaurant. "I want to order a cheese pizza," he said. Oh, yes, that's delicious. "Medium," I heard Alex say. "I want it to be delivered to my door," Alex said. He said his address. "Mhm," Alex said. He hung up. We cuddled. "Nice choice of pizza," I said. He smirked.
I hope he doesn't get mad at me for asking this question or annoyed.
"Yes, my angel?"
"There are no more enemies after you, right?"
"My angel, what makes you ask me this question?"
"You know why."
"No, I don't."
"I don't want you to be in danger or kill people," I said. He sighed. "Are we not done with this?"
"Alex, this is serious."
"Let's talk about something else," he said. "No."
He sighed. "Alex, you can't keep killing people."
"Why are you talking to me like I'm killing people twenty-four-seven?" He asked annoyingly.
"I'm not, I just don't want you to kill people and end up in jail."
"Don't worry, I will not end up in jail."
"Why are you so sure?"
"Wait, I need to do something," he said as he slowly backed back from me. "I will be right back," he said walking out the door and downstairs. I stood up. I looked around his room. Oh, here are some beads. Black beads. Oh, I can make a bracelet for Alex. I grabbed a black beading wire. I put on some black beads and in the middle, I put an 'A.' 'A' for Alex.
I hope he likes it though.
I need to go to the bathroom first. I put the bracelet on the table.
I got out of his room.
I went to the bathroom. I was then done. I washed my hands. I dried myself. I walked out of the bathroom.

I heard some noises downstairs. What's going on? I walked downstairs.
I heard some noises from Alex's office. I walked toward it. I stopped by the door. A guy is sitting on the chair.
"Mhm, you have been hiding knowing very well I'm after you," Alex said. Who is this? And what's going on? "No, no, I'm not scared of a weak guy like you," the guy said. Alex smirked. "I am the most powerful mafia in the city, you should be scared of me," Alex said. My eyes widened. What? He is a mafia? Is he a freaking mafia boss? What the heck? And he is the most powerful too. Oh god.
My heart started beating fast. I was dating a dangerous man without knowing.
I better leave. I was about to go but stopped when Alex spoke.
"And it's time to end you."
I looked back at them. "Not the best idea," the guy said.
Alex turned around and grabbed a gun. My eyes widened more. Oh no. He is going to kill him. Why does he keep killing people? This man is more dangerous than I thought. I can't be with him. I can't even trust him.

How the heck didn't I know he was a mafia boss? Alex turned around again and faced the guy.
"Well, this is what happens when you try running my work," Alex said. "Do it, you will not get any peace if you kill me," he said. Alex smirked.
"Sure," Alex said as he shot him in the head.
I gasped. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. A lot of blood is on the floor. The guy fell on the floor.
My eyes filled with tears. I quickly turned around. I ran out of his house. This man is crazy. I saw a taxi. "Taxi!"
It stopped. I quickly got in. I can't go home. He will probably go there. I can go to Ava. She doesn't live far away from here and Alex doesn't know where she lives. I told the driver the address. He drove away. Tears streamed down my cheek.
I can't believe I dated and slept with a mafia boss. A very dangerous person.
I arrived. I paid and got out. I ran inside the apartment. I ran upstairs to Ava's door. I knocked on it. She opened the door. "Bella?" She asked worriedly. "Ava," I said as I jumped into her arms. "Hey, what's going on?" She asked softly. I kept crying. "Let's go inside," she said. We slowly backed back. She closed the door. We went and sat down.

"Bella, tell me what's going on?"
"What about him?"
"He turned out to be a mafia boss," I said. Her eyes widened. "What?" She asked surprisingly. "Yes, and he is the most powerful mafia in the city."
She gasped. "And he also killed someone today," I said. "What the heck?"
"I know," I said as I wiped away my tears. "Thank god you are okay," she said. I smiled at her. "How did you know all that?" She asked. "We were at his house and he said he had to do something so he went downstairs to his office, and I had to go to the bathroom, and then I heard a sound from his office."
"So I went downstairs and I saw everything and heard everything," I said.
"He killed a guy, it was probably another enemy," I said. "Oh."
"I didn't go home so he wouldn't find me, can I please stay with you tonight?"
"Of course, you can," she said. "Thank you," I said with a smile. "Let's make something to eat," she said. I nodded. We stood up.

We walked to the kitchen. We started to make vegan pasta salad. Ava is vegan. I heard a knock on the door. "I will go check who it is," Ava said. I nodded.
I kept making food.
It smells good. Why is Ava taking so long?
"Ava, is everything fine?" I asked. I got no response. What's going on? I walked toward the door.
"Ava, what's taking you so long?" I asked as I stopped behind her and looked up. My eyes widened.  It's Alex. How the heck did he know I was here? There is no way I can run away from his men. He will find me everywhere.
"Bella," he said.

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