Chapter 61

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"Do you want me to get something for you?" He asked. "No, thank you," I said softly without looking at him. He sat closer to me. He put his hand on my chin. He lifted my head so I was looking at him.
"Why aren't you looking at me when I'm talking to you?" He asked calmly.
He smirked.
"Don't be nervous, darling."
I didn't say anything. He smirked as he let go of my chin.
He looked away. I'm still looking at him. He looked at me. I looked away.
"Where is Max?" I asked while looking around. Alex got up. He walked out of the room. Alex came back holding Max in his arms. I smiled. "'Max," I said happily. Aww, Alex got up only to get me, Max, what a sweetie. Alex walked to the bed. He sat down. He put Max on the bed. Max came to me. I petted him with a big smile on my mouth.
He is so cute, I'm in love with this dog.
"Aw, you're so cute," I said playfully. Alex stood up and walked downstairs.
I looked back at Max. I started to play with him again. "Dinner is ready," I heard Alex say. I quickly looked up at Alex.
He is standing by the door looking at us.
Max barked. "Yes, Max your dinner is ready too," Alex said while walking to his side of the bed. Max came to Alex. "Go and eat your food," Alex said. Max ran toward the door.

Alex looked at Max. He then looked at me. I'm still looking at the door. He walked to my side. This man makes me so nervous. "I'm going to lift you," he said while looking down at me. I looked up at him. I nodded.
He bent forward and picked me up gently. I put my arms around his neck. I put my head on his chest.
He walked downstairs. He put me on the chair. "Thank you," I said with a tiny smile without looking at him. He went and sat across from me. "Let's eat," he said. We started to eat. The food is so delicious. "Mmm," I whispered. I heard Alex smirk.
"Yes," I said. "Great," he said. I'm still looking at the food.

Alex stood up. He took his plate to the kitchen. I sighed. I grabbed my plate. I tried to get up. "Sit down, I can take your plate," he said while walking faster toward me. I looked at him.
He stood beside me. He grabbed my plate. I sat down. I smiled. He is sweet when he is like this. He smirked.
He went to the kitchen. He came back.
He put the wheelchair in front of me.
"Do you want to sit here?" He asked. I nodded without looking at him. He held my hand and helped me sit down. "Thank you," I said while looking down at the floor.
I went to the couch. I stopped beside it. He came and sat on the couch almost beside my wheelchair.
"I will admit, work is boring without you."
Aww, he thinks that?
I kept looking at the TV. "Are you seriously just going to ignore me?"
Yes, he can't think I'm letting everything he does slide away.

I looked toward the stairs. I went to it. I tried to get up from the wheelchair. He got up and walked toward me. He stood beside me. "I can get you up," he said while looking down at me.
"I can do it myself," I said without looking at him. "No, you can't," he said. "I said I can do it myself."
I looked up at him annoyed. "I said that you can't," he said angrily. I looked away annoyingly. I started to get up. He was about to help me, but I pushed his hand away. I can feel him looking angrily at me.
"Are you so mad at me just because of that guy?" He asked angrily. "It's because you don't talk nicely to my friend," I said angrily while looking at him.
"That's because that bastard asked you to stay with him."
"Alex, you have to understand me and him are friends," I said annoyingly.
"You see him as a friend, but he for sure sees you as a crush."
"No, he doesn't, stop thinking like that."
"Why are you so sure?" He asked angrily.
"Me and him have never in our entire life flirted, we have always acted like siblings," I said back. "Stop being so jealous," I said annoyingly.
"I'm not jealous of a stupid guy like him."
"Yes you are, and stop calling him stuff like this, he is a close friend to me, Alex."
He raised his eyebrows. "Are we really fighting because of your idiot friend?"
"Stop it!"
"Stop calling him stuff like this, we are fighting because you are making this a big deal when it's not necessary at all."
"Yes, it is necessary."
"No, it's not," I said angrily.
"Bella, you are mine."
Bella, you are mine.
"I'm not letting other guys ask you these types of questions, you freaking belong to me."
You freaking belong to me. I will admit, that his words get me every single time.
I blinked without saying something.
I looked away annoyingly. I tried again to get up. He was about to help me. "I don't need your help," I said annoyingly.
"I can't believe you are arguing with me because of your friend."
I looked up at him.
"Is it so fucking important for you that you just had to go and argue with your boyfriend?"
"We wouldn't have fought if you didn't talk like this to him."
"Oh, so you're telling me you wouldn't talk like this to a girl if she asked me this question?"
"No, I would have said it more nicely," I said. "No, you wouldn't have, Bella."
"Yes, I would."
"Is that guy really that important to you?"
"He's a friend of mine."
"Alex, he is important to me, he's a friend."
He raised his eyebrows. "Who is more important to you, me or him?"
"What type of question is this?"
I sighed. "You."
"Exactly, so no need to fight with me because of stupid things like this."

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