Chapter 65

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"Mhm," he said. Mhm? Is that everything he has to say? He turned around. He was about to walk out. "Alex."
He stopped. He turned around and looked at me. "What?"
"You don't need to go to your office, it's too early anyway," I said. "I need to check on paperwork," he said. "Can't you check them here?"
He sighed. "No reason for that," he said turning around. He walked out. "Oh," I said. That was rough.
I grabbed my phone. I called the girls. It's been a while. They picked it up. "Hey, girls," I said. "Hey," they all said. "Guys, let's do something together tomorrow or maybe another day if we can't tomorrow," I said. "Yes, that's a good idea," Alice said.

"We can go to a cafe," Clare said. "Yes," I said. "Anyway, I have to go now, I will call you later, girls," I said. "Alright, I love you all, bye," Clare said. "I love you, guys," Ava said. "I love you all too," Alice said. "Love you too, guys," I said with a smile. I hung up.
The work has started. I grabbed some papers. I started to draw some dresses.
I drew for some time. I sighed. I need to take a break. "My hand needs to rest," I said to myself. I looked out the window. It's a very beautiful view from here. I started working again. I wonder what Alex is doing. I sighed. He isn't acting the same as me. He is probably mad at me. Oh, it's lunchtime. I drove out toward the door. Someone opened it. "Hey, Bella," Stella said, one of my co-workers.
"Hey," I said. "What happened to you?" She asked while looking at my foot. "I fell while jogging," I said. "Oh, I hope you feel better," she said with a smile. "Thank you," I said with a smile. "Well, do you want to eat with us?" Stella asked. "Sure," I said with a smile. She smiled. She moved to the side so I could come out. I drove to the kitchen with her.
We sat at a table together with two other girls. "Oh, Bella, what happened to you?" Jasmine asked. "I fell."
"Oh, hope you get better," Kate said. "Thank you, Kate," I said. I want coffee. "I will go get coffee," I said with a smile. They nodded. I turned around and drove to the coffee machine.
I arrived.
I tried to grab a cup, but it's hard when I'm sitting. It's far up. A familiar hand grabbed a cup and put it under the machine. He clicked on black coffee. Alex. It's Alex. I looked up. I saw him. I knew it. "Hey," I said. He nodded as he looked away. "Alex," I whispered. No one can hear me say his name. He looked at me. "What?"
"Why are you acting like this?"
"I'm acting normal."
"No, you're not."
He sighed. He grabbed the cup. He gave me it. He grabbed another one. He filled it with black coffee. He grabbed his cup. He walked away. I sighed. He is mad at me. I sighed.
I drove out again. I sat with the girls. I kept eating and drinking my coffee. I was then done. I drove toward my office. I saw a good-looking girl walking toward Alex's office.

She is tall. She is a brunette and she has light green eyes. She is wearing a black leather mini low waist skirt and a black leather corset top, with black ankle leather heels boots. She walked in. I raised my eyebrows. She didn't even knock. Who the heck is she? I drove fast to my office. I grabbed random papers. I drove fast out again. I drove to Alex's office door. I knocked on the door.
"Come in," Alex said. I drove in. I saw her sitting on his desk beside his chair. Her back is toward me. She turned her head and faced me.
What the heck? Why is she sitting on his desk? "Yes, Bella?" Alex asked. I looked at him. I drove to him. I sat beside his chair.
"You have to sign these papers," I said as I placed the paper in front of him while looking at her. She is looking at me confusingly. "Bella, I have already signed these," he said.
I looked at him. "You have?"
"Mhm," he said. I looked at the papers. I grabbed his pen. I stroke over his name where he signed. "Now you haven't, so sign," I said as I looked at the girl annoyingly. "Bella, why did you do that?"
"Just sign."
I lowered my voice. I kept looking at her. She looked at me confusingly.
Alex sighed. "So, Alex, do you have a girlfriend in your life?" She asked. "Well, if she is special enough for you to tell me," she said. I looked at Alex. Now I'm excited to hear what he will say. "You probably don't know, but Alex doesn't tell me the girl he is dating if she is not special enough for him," the girl said. I looked at her. She is looking at me. "Oh, really?" I asked. "Mhm."
"How many have he told you then?"
"I think two, there were two girls he dated and told me about them, guess they were special for him," she said. "Oh, what are they called?"
"I can't tell you if Alex doesn't allow me," she said. I looked at Alex.

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