Chapter 51

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We were done. We cleaned up. Max came running. Alex gave him his breakfast. "Bye Max," I said. Alex hugged him. He got out. I followed him. We got inside the car. He started to drive to work.
"So is it today we are going to arrange the dresses?"
"Yes," he said.
"I'm so excited, are all the dresses and models ready?" I asked. "Mhm."
It will be so much fun. We arrived. Alex got out of the car. I did too.
We walked inside. I walked toward the stairs. I heard Alex follow me. I turned around and looked at him. "Alex, you know that you don't need to take the stairs?" I asked. "I know, darling," he said. I smiled as I kept going upstairs. He followed me. We arrived. He went to his office. I went to mine.

I checked the dresses I drew to see if they were good. I got a message from Alex saying that we are going to the fashion studio. This day is going to be so stressful. I stood up. I walked out of my office. I saw Alex. He is looking at me.
They all went to the elevator. I walked toward the stairs. "Bella," I heard Alex say. I turned around and looked at him. "Come," he said. Huh? What does he want? I walked toward him. "Yes sir?" I asked. "You don't have time to take the stairs, you have to take the elevator," he said. No way. "Don't worry, I will be fast," I said nervously.
"We can take the elevator together, don't worry," he said as he looked away. "I—"
"Don't worry, I'm with you," he said. I looked down.

One of the elevators arrived. Some of my co-workers went inside. Another one arrived. The rest took that one. The last one arrived. Alex and I are the only ones left. "Come on," he said while walking inside the elevator. Oh, I don't want to. He turned around and looked at me. I just stood there. "Bella, it's okay, come," he said. I didn't say anything or move a soul. He walked to me. He grabbed my hands. "Bella, it's fine, nothing will happen," he said. I feel safe with him, it's probably going to be alright.
I nodded. He let go of my hands. We got inside. The elevator door closed. It started to go down. I quickly held Alex by his arm. I tightened my grip. I saw that Alex was looking at me from the corner of my eye. I'm looking straight. Oh, this doesn't feel right. I hope it opens soon.
Alex moved the arm that I was holding around my waist. He pushed me into his chest. I looked at him. He is looking straight. I wrapped my arms around his waist. My grip got tighter. I closed my eyes.
"We're here," I heard Alex say. He smirked. I opened my eyes as I looked around. "Finally," I said still holding around him. I looked up at him. I let go of him and ran out. He walked to me. "Let's go," he said. I was about to walk downstairs to the company's parking space.
"Bella, why are you going there?" He asked. I stopped. I turned around and looked at him. "Because I have to ride in the company bus to get to the fashion studio," I said. "They already left, you're coming with me," he said while walking out. I followed him. We got inside the car. He drove to the studio. We arrived.

I got out of the car. Alex got out too. He opened the door. We walked into a big fashion studio. Oh, it's beautiful here. David my co-worker came toward us. "Mr. Belinskji," David said. Alex looked at him. I looked around the fashion studio. It's so beautiful and big. "Sir, we have a problem," David said. I looked at David. "What?" Alex asked. "One of the models broke her foot," David said. Shit, poor girl. Alex is probably very stressed and now this keeps making him stressed. "Find a new one."
He sounds a bit annoyed.
"Yes sir," David said. "I will go check something, Mr. Belinskij," I said. I ran toward David.

"David wait!" I shouted. David turned around. "Yes, Bella?" He asked. "Isn't it going to be hard to find a new model?" I asked. "Yeah, plus we don't actually have time," he said. "Well, I can be the model," I said. My dream job is to be a model and I think I can model so I think that will be good, plus we don't have time. "What, really?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "What about Mr. Belinskij?"
"You're his assistant so you should be with him," he said. "He can handle himself," I said. "Well, let's go then," David said. We quickly went to the wardrobe. "Guys, Bella is going to be modeling, show her the dresses," David said. A girl nodded. He left. She came toward me. "Hey Bella, I'm Lily, I will get your hair and makeup done," Lily said with a smile.
"Mhm," I said back with a smile. "But first you need to see the dress you're going to wear," another girl said. "Hi, I'm Emily, I'm going to give you the dresses you have to wear," Emily said. "Alright," I said. I nodded. "So do you have any questions?" Emily asked. "No," I said with a smile. She nodded. She walked away.
I ran back to Alex.

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