Thor, Hades, Poseidon, and Buddha reacting to seeing their s/o again.

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Summary: Y/n escapes from their captor only to meet them again years later....

This was requested by @MuddyChild!


- This man was late for work and forgot to chain you to the bed
- You took advantage of this and left
- when Thor comes home, he's gonna be fuming
- He's gonna go crazy trying to look for you
-almost tore Heaven apart
- He was also worried since you were pregnant when you left and he's scared of what's gonna happen to his child.
- Literally took 2 years to find you since he just assumed you were still on Heaven but you were on earth the entire time.
- As soon as Thor saw you and his child, he knocked both of you out and carried you back to Heaven
- Chains you to the bed again
- Your kid is scared since you never told them about their dad
- Thor is never going to forget chaining you to the bed again.
"Sweetheart, don't you see? You and (child's name) are safe with me! Why would you ever try and leave?"


- Zeus knew that his brother was keeping you captive, but did he help?
- N O P E
- Zeus is scared of his brother and well....yeah...
- On the other hand, Poseidon encouraged Hades to do this since he's also a yandere and he thought this was normal if Hades wanted to keep you.
- So Hades kept you locked in your guys' room until he came back from work.
- But one time you woke up early in the morning and wiggled out of Hades' arms and escaped.
- You gave Cerberus food that had made them fall asleep and you went down to earth.
- It only took them a month to find you though
- Hades threw you over his shoulder and tried to calm you down as you were begging him to let you go.
-after going back the the underworld, Hades forced himself onto you and from that day on, Cerberus watched over you like a hawk
"This is your punishment, darling. You will never escape again. I promise you that."


- Poseidon was kind to you and treated you well if you behaved
- he has been very patient with you lately
- He made sure to make more of your favourite kind of fish to put into the sea
- He made sure his servants treated you well
- But when you escape?
- This man SNAPS
- He had done everything for you. Providing you food, clothing and somewhere to live under his ocean kingdom
- How dare you leave him after all of that?
- He rips villages, towns, and cities on earth trying to find you
- I hope you can run fast, honey, because this man is a very fast runner
- When he finds you, he's pulling back to the ocean by your HAIR ( So I hope you don't mind losing a few strands)
- He impregnated you for a punishment.
- After that of that happened, he treated you nicely again
"You can't run anymore~. I have claimed you as mine in every way possible now. Just think about it, we're going to be parents! Doesn't the sound lovely, my little fish~?


- He enjoys the fact that you escaped.
-Buddha let you escape on purpose
- He lets you have 2 years of peace and freedom until he finally searches for you
- He visits earth often, so he won't take long to find you.
- Buddha thinks all of this is a fun game of hide and seek
- When Buddha does find you, he's gonna let you run and even give you a 5 minute start
- He's gonna catch you either way, so there's really no point of running away
- When he brings you back to heaven, he's gonna chain you to a wall while leaving Hickies on your body
- As a punishment, he forces you to marry him and bare his children
- "Don't look at me like that. I'm not monster, y'know...well maybe sometimes...~"

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