Hades obsessing over Adam's daughter

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(Basically like the "Poseidon obsessing over Shiva's daughter request")

Summary: Y/n used to be Hades' wife billions of years ago, but during the fight against Kronos, Y/n ends up getting slaughtered. Years after, she's finally come back to him...but now she's the daughter of the first human.

-It wasn't fair. All Hades ever wanted was to be with Y/n but his father couldn't even give him that. He slaughtered Y/n mercilessly in front of Hades.
-And now...after so many years of waiting, Hades was horrified to find out that you were now a human. The daughter of Adam and Eve nonetheless.
-You were still as beautiful as he remembered.
-He was walking around heaven  to visit Poseidon as he watched Adam and Zeus fight.
-Sitting in the VIP room, his eyes soon caught your presence as his eyes widened.
-You had blonde hair now and your...private areas were covered in leaves like Eve. Hades didn't care. He still loved you and his heart was pumping so fast, he stopped watching the fight.
-It didn't take long for Poseidon to look in the same direction. He gasped softly as he saw you. Poseidon cared about you...he cherished you like a sister and he had to help his poor brother through his grieving when he lost you
-He soon made a plan with Hades to help him get you back. This was their plan: during the fight with Adam, Poseidon and Hades would transfer their strength to Zeus so he could beat Adam and you'd have no other choice but to be with Hades.
-After the fight, Hades' heart broke when he saw you cry. He cried the same way when you were taken from him
-Poseidon and Hades started to walk over to the young lady, completely towering her. If she didn't remember her past life, Hades will help. He'll help as much as he can.
-after all, he is your darling husband. It's his responsibility to help you

I leave whatever happens next to your imagination~

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