Zerofuku in his emo phase (Record of ragnarok)

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(I cried so much when his past was revealed smh😭)
A/n: just please pretend that he didn't split into 7 other people for the sake of these headcanons

- Ok, you probably knew Zero before he turned emo and you tried to help him by making everyone happy!

-Bad news for you! Bc this man entered his emo phase! 💀

- You we're probably a human that actually treated him like he mattered even when he started to look deformed. And he loves you for that!

- After healing humans around the world, he came back for you only to find that the humans became greedy and started to neglect him

- When he ran away after seeing Buddha, you followed him and found him sobbing in the woods. That's where you hugged him and told him that you cared and that he meant a lot to you.

-that's where his obsession started to form and that's when he started to believe that you were the only one that cared for him.

- That is when this emo lOoKIN dude takes you back to heaven, and he um....uh...takes your innocence 🤗🙏

- You probably became preggy after that...😓🤰🏼 (if ur a dude, don't worry, Zero has a pregnancy stone)

- He's a dom

- Zero probably turned you into a goddess/ god after all of that uh.... "Stuff" happened

- Yeah, Zero AINT gonna let you near any humans anymore after he turned you into a god/ goddess

- You didn't really expect all of this to happen in such a short period of time, but you had to submit to Zero. It hurts you that such a loving and kind god like Zerofuku had turned this wicked because  of humans. This isn't even the man you fell inlove with before... You just wanted your old Zero back....

                                                           Fluffy headcanons

- Listen, Zero might've taken your innocence, but that doesn't mean that he would be a terrible father.

- Zero praises everything about you and that will not change at all.

- He's so gentle with you tbh😝

- he will caress your baby bump often and will smirk if he feels the baby kick.
"Such a feisty child, maybe when you're older, I can train you to beat that stupid Buddha!"


- *Crying when his child starts walking and talking*

-Protective dad

- will not let his child go to earth. He wouldn't be able to bare seeing humans take advantage of them.

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