Poseidon and Hades' darlings trying to escape

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(I just woke up and I look ugly as frick in this photo😭)

                                     This was requested by: @muddychild!
Summary: Both Poseidon and Hades' darling try to escape together
A/n: Y/n will be Hades' darling, while b/f/n (best friend name) will be Poseidon's

It wasn't easy being Hades' darling. No, It was actually quite hard dealing with his smouldering affection. All you wanted to do was see b/f/n again, but with Hades and Poseidon both being obsessive lovers, it was quite rare seeing them. Hades treated you well, but never even gave you a little bit of privacy. You had him watch you undress, always insisting he should shower with you, and you couldn't even go to the bathroom by yourself.
B/f/n DIDNT have it easy either, with Poseidon forcing himself onto them, not allowing them to see their family, and Poseidon chaining them to the bed most of the time. So, the two of you didn't have a good life, at all. Until the 2 of you managed to escape their mansions and meet each-other at the centre of heaven.
You 2 talked about your plan to start over on earth and never plan on coming back here ever again, and were  praying that Hades and Poseidon won't ever find you. When you got to earth with b/f/n, you started living happily in your decent sized house on Earth. You honestly forgot all about Hades and Poseidon, but they certainly didn't forget about you.

They'll just simply give the two of you a few more years of freedom before taking everything you love away. After all, they're part of the top three, so they wouldn't just let you off the hook that easily...

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