Thor and Poseidon reacting to their darling having Stockholm syndrome

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This was requested by Muddychild

Summary: Y/n finally show love and affection to the Gods. Little do they know, that it's all because their darling has developed Stockholm syndrome.

A/n: sorry that this is short , Virgo ♍️ I couldn't really think of anything for Hades, I'm sorry😔😭


-He was surprised when you had started braiding his hair
- He looked at you with a confused look but you only smiled and pecked him on the cheek
-Thor was happy to say the least! You finally showed him the love and affection he craved, he needed
- He pulled you into a warm hug and kissed you all over your face
-Thor had told Loki and Odin everything about how you now showed him general affection, but Loki and Odin seemed a bit concerned
- Loki had suspected that it was only a way for you to gain Thor's trust and that you'll only end up escaping when Thor wasn't home
-Odin said that this wasn't a good thing since he knew about Stockholm syndrome and what caused it
-So he explained everything to Thor
-Thor couldn't believe it! There's no way that you developed Stockholm syndrome!
- He only yelled at his father and left to find you asleep on the red leathered couch
- He pulled you to his chest and started to think about what his father said
- but still, everything made sense and it was the only logical explanation
-He only had one thing in mind
- how could he have let this happen to you..?


-Poseidon's mind stopped working when you gave him a kiss on the cheek
-He knew right then and there, that you had Stockholm syndrome.
-He felt horrible and cried himself to sleep that night
-Soon, he began to accept that what he did to you permanently changed you
-Poseidon still felt quite guilty and started questioning himself
-Was he the bad guy here? Did he deserve your love at all!?
-Thoughts kept on flooding through this head
-But he still tried looking on the good side
-At least you'd showing him love and you'd never have to leave him gain!
- That's what he wanted to think but deep down he knew...that this was all his fault

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